Joined 7 years ago
It seems we might have some newcomers here which is awesome! One of the reasons Alakajam is special is the Alakajam Tournament which is a separate event where we play past games and try to compete in them. So if your game has a measurable way to compete it may very well be that your game will be played years to come!
Some examples:
After this all you need to do is enable high scores on your entry page:
The next Alakajam Tournament is in March so now is a great time to try to get your game featured there!
So since our game Path of the Shaman is going to be one of the tournament games we thought it could use some tweaks. Here's a list of fixes that the Post Jam Fix (WebGL) has:
Happy shrooming!
So me and @Juutis decided to take a stab at some procedural stuff this jam. We are trying to create a sort of a roguelite. Here's the dungeon generator at its current form:
As you can see it takes a couple of tries to find a suitable configuration of rooms (I've set it to require at least 3 rooms for now so that there is an end and a start). I'm also removing dead ends because they do not good gameplay make.
My first venture into 3D. It's gonna be hard to get something playable out, but I'm motivated!
Blender is still so difficult to use and I need a tutorial for everything but I'm going to make every model myself anyway.
Here's a gif of what I've got after a couple of nights.
I'm going to follow the theme and make the story the main focus.
See you on the other side!
I had grand plans for 1st Kajam:
How did it turn out? Well, I managed to get a game out, and there is some polish to it, but nowhere near to what I had in mind.
It seems working on a game for a month or so is much harder than working on a game for just a weekend.
It was a pleasant experience anyhow, so no regrets.