Alakajam tip! 2

bradur • 2 days ago on 21st Alakajam! 

It seems we might have some newcomers here which is awesome! One of the reasons Alakajam is special is the Alakajam Tournament which is a separate event where we play past games and try to compete in them. So if your game has a measurable way to compete it may very well be that your game will be played years to come!

Some examples:

  • High score counter
  • Timer display
  • Number of deaths (the smaller the better)

After this all you need to do is enable high scores on your entry page:

The next Alakajam Tournament is in March so now is a great time to try to get your game featured there!

Comments (2)

 • 1 day ago • 

Can the players just submit screenshots to prove their scores? Or do we need to implement any global hi-score system as the devs?

 • 1 day ago • 

@Gord10: High-scores are proved by screenshots. I believe you actually must submit a screenshot along with the high-score. So no need to implement a global high-score system.

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