Joined 7 years ago
I'm also known as "ratking" (
Because we only had a few days of Header Space, I just wanted to make sure enough people are aware of the cool entries of the 12th Kajam.
The 12th Kajam is officially over and I want to thank everybody who took time to create an entry and submitting it. The theme was very dear to me, so overall I'm a bit disappointed by the low turn-out. Nonetheless, please have a look at all the submitted games!
Over the next few days I hopefully get to try the other games and maybe even do a stream about the event.
To make sure every entry gets the attention and polish it deserves (and also because I won't have internet this weekend), I moved the Kajam's deadline to the last day of May!
For the Kajam I'm trying my luck with making a programming game once again.
I do hope I get to the "game within game" aspect once I got the basic logic worked out. :P
Hallo! I’m ratrogue, and I have the honor to be your host for the 12th Kajam. For the uninitiated, Kajams are basically relaxed Alakajams; jams within jams, one could say. This time you have a whole month to create your entry, and you are totally free in what tools and assets to use.
Unfortunately something came up and I didn’t have time to think of a theme, but thankfully a close friend of mine took over. He is not part of the Alakajam community, at least not directly, so I will just quote him here:
« Hello dear people of Akajalam, I am carcass! You might know me as the creator of SMALLWORLD, but I’m not a ‘real’ game developer. Still, I just love game development. So much that I want this Kayjam to be super meta.
Remember ‘Systemic Shock’ by Through The Looking Glass Games? The game with the evil AI? Stroll around a bit in the creepy corridors, and you will find a game console. And games for it. Yes, you can play a simple version of ‘Winged Commands’ while actually being hunted by cyber mutants! Mind. Is. Blown! In the sequel there’s even an 'Ultimare’-like RPG on your virtual GameHog device.
So there you have it! The theme is…
Wow! A Game Within A Game! Does that mean you’re required to make a complete game, just to embed yet another one? Well, only if you want to! But maybe it can mean something else? For example:
Also, this could be an opportunity for a collaboration of a special kind - maybe you and your partner(s) get to work on different games, inside the same game! Or intertwine your games! Who knows what can happen! I for sure don't know. I'm excited to see what you make, be it inside a computer or outside!
Good luck! »
Well, that’s it from carcass. I will read his text as soon as I have some time. I’m sure his theme idea is great. Anyways, don’t forget to make a game from April 29th to May 29th, or any timeframe in between, or outside. Have fun, say no to war, be creative, but don't infringe copyrights!
Good luck!
(The background picture for this event is taken from "Skybox - Kabuki" (2020) by Ludwig Hanisch.)
After we submitted 666 Coins to the 7dfps we continued to work on it - on things like little rats roaming the dungeon, a lot of additional and beautified map sections, improved level generation, hiding under tables (yes, there's furniture now!) …
And for the Tournament we created a special mode where players have to hunt statues. We'd like to invite everyone to play the improved 666 Coins Tournament Version, and welcome any feedback!
Here's a short video I made for a post mortem blog post:
Again, thank you all for participating, and also sharing and caring. Now it is time to play, comment and rate the games! We thought of three categories:
Of course you can add your own interpretation to each of the categories.