Sílvia Cavadas

silviacavadas #404

Joined 7 years ago

Post jam version of "Transcribe" is out! 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 6 years ago 

I have finally taken the time to redo my entry for the 2nd Alakajam!
"Transcribe" is a little puzzle game where you interact with the environment to find the hidden truth.
The post jam version has much improved graphics, more levels, a better level progression, and some new mechanics.
Check out the new version at https://silviacavadas.itch.io/transcribe !

And thank once again to the community for all the useful feedback they gave which informed this new version so much.

Solutions now available 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 7 years ago 

Given the feedback that some of the puzzles might be a bit too hard, I decided to include the solutions in the game description so that you can progress even if you get stuck at some point.

First game jam successfully completed! 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 7 years ago 

Soooo exhausted, but happy with how things went! I managed to complete a little nice-looking and hopefully fun game. Unfortunately I don't think I play-tested it enough, so probably there will be many things I missed. Hoping to make a nice post-jam polished version. Tell me what you think!

First Game Jam! 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 7 years ago 

I started learning about game development recently and this will be my first attempt at a game jam. I will be using Unity and possibly Piskel for the graphics.

High scores

1 x12 x13 x1
by YongBoi, Mr. Chocolate Salmon
2129 June 24th 2020
bondstones !
by benjamin
9418 June 28th 2021
Cat Connections
by TomBuston, Daeg
5450 June 27th 2020