Please HOLOGRAM each HOLOPUTER by entering its HOLOTRIX. Read the instructions inside, and create the needed HOLOCODE with the provided HOLONODES. Afterwards run the HOLOGRAM via the button on the HOLOPUTER. The door to the next challenge will open if your HOLOCODE solves the problem correctly.

Unfortunately unfinished - no story, no sound, no time.

Comments (6)

 • 2 years ago • 

The graphics are great! I'm afraid I didn't understand what I had to do in the actual gameplay, sorry. I tried a couple of times.
Do you plan on working on it some more?

  • 2 years ago • edited • 

Thanks @FlipBit. There are READ buttons in each Holotrix that give instructions, and each node type that can be manipulated has a help button in the UI too (top right corner). In the bottom right corner the controls are displayed dynamically.

Maybe it would be great if you could tell what you tried and what you didn't understand. The game basically works "just" like a normal visual programming language, but in 3D and with some restictions (you can't cross wires).

  • 2 years ago • 

@voxel just notified me that I confused "rows" with "columns" in the first tutorial. Maybe that was a problem, I fixed it now.

 • 2 years ago • 

Hooy boy. This sucked me right in. Bitfields and logic flows and writing programs to open doors is a combination I didn't know I'd enjoy so much.

The operation of the nodes can be quite opaque. It'd be really nice to be able to pause the simulation and inspect state somehow to make behaviour more apparent. I experienced some confusion trying to use the output of an NCALC node as the input to another NCALC. If such a connection is never valid, maybe I shouldn't be able to make it? But experimenting was still good, and I didn't get so annoyed that I wanted to stop.

Laying out the circuits/programs in 3D was fun. Routing connections wasn't a difficult problem, but it was still good to have to think a little and occasionally rearrange things to connect. I could see this being more important in constrained holoputers, perhaps with some walls that can't be connected across?

I enjoyed the programming problems, but the logic might be too low level for most programmers to enjoy, and possibly indecipherable to non programmers? But it was great for me.

The only real bugs I encountered were the task descriptions being inaccurate, but I think you've fixed these already.

I would have liked some audio and more to see in the 'real' world. Some more visual variety in cyberspace would have been cool too.

For some reason I also found it very entertaining that the onscreen 'Space to jump' hint disappears when I'm midair and unable to jump. Good detail!

  • 2 years ago • 

Thanks @voxel for the extensive feedback! I totally concur, being able to pause the test mode would probably be priority #1 for a post-jam version - and also better communication of which node combinations make sense and which don't.

Sorry again for the wrong task descriptions!

 • 2 years ago • 

Ok, I get the basics now, I just tried out your new version.
My first problem was that I didn't understand that the arrows are the execution path, the other stuff is data flow. Then I was confused by the colors and shapes of the connection points. Connecting blue cubes to green spheres was the exact opposite of my intuition.
I played around with that for a bit, could not connect things and I must have had some bad luck because I tried the correct thing but it didn't work, probably because I was doing something weird across an edge of the room or something.

Either I'm a good tester for really stupid players or it's because I've rarely used any visual scripting (no Unreal Blueprints, no Unity visual scripting, etc. only a couple of programming games like Opus Magnum, Turing Complete and Blender Shader editor).

I'll give the puzzles a try later.

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