Dizzy Island Liberator

You shoot enemies on floating islands

First time I used Godot for a game jam, it was nice.

The game itself is not much to talk about - if you reach level 8 I guess you're pretty good.

Linux build is untested, but I got positive feedback, so I guess it is tested.

Made within 24 hours, give or take.

Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (8 entries).

Comments (12)

 • 8 months ago • 

You say it's not much to talk about, but I'm impressed. It's a well-rounded game with decent… well, everything. The enemies, music and designs are simple but very effective, and everything works well together. I like the use of the theme, too.

I found it quite hard but to progress, but I expect I'll keep coming back to it. Great entry!

  • 8 months ago • 

Thank you @toasty - yeah, progress is a bit too hard right now, mostly because I didn't spend much time on balancing. That's something a post-jam version definitely will fix!

  • 8 months ago • 

@SatLess I was actually forced to nest the nodes like that, because the characters are on the island, so they move/rotate with it, but their graphics are always pointing up on the viewport and also have to be sorted correctly. This is why they're separated on runtime.
In any case thank you for playing and for your praise! :-)

 • 8 months ago • 

Nice job, definitely unique to have the game render transparently (Even if both Chrome and Windows Flag it as possibly malicious lol). Makes me wonder how difficult that is to implement in Godot.

Fun gameplay mechanic with having to dodge projectiles without falling off but also having to stop moving in order to shoot. The island rotating faster as you go on is a nice difficulty modifier outside of just adding more enemies.

 • 7 months ago • 

You've done what many of us jammers can only dream of: made a fun game. Well done!

The rotation is such a simple way of adding challenge, and it really works. And it's thematic, too! There's also a surprising amount of strategy in the simple move-and-shoot gameplay. For example, etting closer to the enemies reduces the effect of the rotation, but also makes you more vulnerable.

Audio is great. Art isn't bad either, and has a consistent style.

One thing I didn't care for was being started back at level 1 when I died. Redoing all that stuff I already did isn't fun. But to be honest, I do respect it as a kinda old-school "are you bad enough" design decision. And in any case, the game is good enough that it didn't stop me trying again. Furthest I've managed to get is level 11.

Super good entry. Well-implemented, fun (until you die) and feels cohesive.

 • 7 months ago • 

Cute! (I also used the Linux build but unlike the screenshots, I only got a black background behind the islands :))

The game is fun and relatively forgiving thanks to the increasing health, which contrasts heavily with the instant death when you fall off the island. Maybe it's a screen resolution thing but I found the game quite tiny and as a result it was a bit difficult to tell whether I'm walking right.

I wish there was a bit more variety in the enemies or the kinds of islands that get generated. In higher levels the strategy was almost always to tank a couple of shots from the enemies who spawned very close, or parallel to an axis that you can use to dodge bullets from the rest of the enemies, then clean up. Enemies that moved around or spawned outside the island would be a neat addition.

Finally, I wish the game speed ramped up overall as the levels progressed: faster movement, faster bullets, even more challenge!

 • 7 months ago • 

of course i didnt get stuck at level 7

  • 7 months ago • 

@AaronBacon It's actually just two clicks in Godot to activate transparent backgrounds.

@rogual Thank you so much for the praise! Yeah, it's a bit mean to get thrown back to level 1, sorry for that… but the scope of the game really was "as arcade-y as possible". If I had more time I would have thought of more interesting things to add to the levels; as it is, it's just about how long you can endure the repetition ;-)

@Aurel300 The black background unfortunately is a problem that mostly plagues systems with two monitors. I don't know what exactly triggers it, maybe I'll raise an issue on the Godot git repo. I like the idea with enemies being spawned outside, or more variety in general - maybe I get around to make an extended version with this stuff!

 • 7 months ago • 

This made me feel surprisingly dizzy. I like how the player is super slow. You have to play a bit differently than usual. Too bad I didn't take a screenshot. I'd like to see how well others did.

 • 7 months ago • 

Dude, you took the word dizzy for a spin lol. I love it. Simple gameplay with a really fun twist.
Yeah there's already a transpaprent background issue flagged on the git repo. Some say it's fixed on 4.0.2 but other still get the issue. The idea is really cool though. I wished I could be more helpful but I never played with the feature.

Great job :)

 • 7 months ago • 

Fun little game! At first I wasn't a fan of how you had to stop to shoot, but after a while I realised it added a good bit of strategy to the gameplay. Also I liked how enemy projectiles could hit other enemies, that was neat. I think if you were gonna add more, some more enemy types and larger level generation (maybe with walls?) would be good.

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