Joined 5 years ago
Sometimes the themes are good, sometimes they don't matter and sometimes they can mess up the jam.
I like the idea of being able to choose from 3 themes.
I will be joining for the sixth time. I also wish everybody a lots of creativity and edurance for the Jam!!!
The latest Unity version is installed, the pencils are sharpened in Gimp and the beep box site is working! :)
Just have to buy some food for the weekend and put together a music playlist and the jam can begin!
Good luck to everyone! :D
I look forward to play and rate nice games.
Heyho guys!
I'm pretty new to programming. I've done some Ludume Dare Gamejames but I will participate for the first time in the Alakajam. Unfortunately, I will only have a few hours at the weekend to come up with a game. Let's see how far I can do it.
Good Luck and best wishes for everyone!