
Talia #971

Joined 6 years ago

Three themes at the start? That will be great! 0

Talia • 4 years ago 

Sometimes the themes are good, sometimes they don't matter and sometimes they can mess up the jam.
I like the idea of being able to choose from 3 themes.

I will be joining for the sixth time. I also wish everybody a lots of creativity and edurance for the Jam!!!

Get ready 0

Talia • 6 years ago 

The latest Unity version is installed, the pencils are sharpened in Gimp and the beep box site is working! :)
Just have to buy some food for the weekend and put together a music playlist and the jam can begin!

Good luck to everyone! :D
I look forward to play and rate nice games.

I'm in 0

Talia • 6 years ago 

Heyho guys!
I'm pretty new to programming. I've done some Ludume Dare Gamejames but I will participate for the first time in the Alakajam. Unfortunately, I will only have a few hours at the weekend to come up with a game. Let's see how far I can do it.

Good Luck and best wishes for everyone!

High scores

1 x02 x13 x1
Super Fortune Bunys
by elZach
1010001001 October 15th 2018
by Banana
20 October 14th 2018
by YongBoi, Mr. Chocolate Salmon
964 June 26th 2020
Speed Connect
by Sílvia Cavadas
915 June 26th 2020
Jolly Mapster
by TimTips
1'27"851 October 4th 2020
Rollercoaster Breakdown
by KayZ
1487 July 27th 2019
bondstones !
by benjamin
1634 June 28th 2021