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Games (51)

Items 21 - 40 sorted by game hotness
Build a tower to the moon
Wizard Tower
by Kleinzach
Karma: 108Solo
Climb the montain. Rise through the towers. Slain the dragon.
by Wan, BalBoom, Thrainsa
Karma: 97Team
Game about normal guy drinking mysterious potion and trying to save himself
Magician's Curse
by DawidBlum, DoDoGlorinal
Karma: 101Team
Noisy Neighbours
by LiamLime, alyphen
Karma: 83Team
An endless runner around the tower. Survive as long as you can while doing some sick flips for points !
Kite Knight : Shield Surfing
by drjavasaurus
Karma: 89Solo
You have a stew boiling. Nearby Goblins want it too. Don't let them!
Zarguuf's Cauldron
by bradur, Juutis, M2tias
Karma: 118Team
Dust Exposure Research and Testing a.k.a. RAT GAME
🐀 DE RAT 🐀
by KP
Karma: 104Open
McGuffin's Tower 2: Electric Boogaloo
by sycronic
Karma: 97Open
Survive the endless invasions of barbarians
by dollarone
Karma: 97Open
Build the towers of Tuscany, balancing income and progress
Torre di Amore e Potere
by DiningPhilosopher
Karma: 111Open
Build a tower to save people of an imminent eartquake!
Jishin Panic!!
by Mahjoub
Karma: 92Open
Race a rally car on towering tracks filled with explosive obstacles!
Turbo Boom! Towering Edition
by TimBeaudet
Karma: 97Open
Breath fire; destroy the tower.
Dragon Plume
by puregarlic, sebbot
Karma: 98Open
Make high towers
Get High
by ratrogue
Karma: 102Open
Help the enchanted jamician robes survive for as long as possible in this physics-based homage to a timeless classic puzzle game.
Forgotten Robes
by Kerri
Karma: 108Open
Help Glax the Slime climb the tower to defeat the evil knight Nedrick
Glax Adventures (GameJam Demo)
by ShovelBoi
Karma: 91Team
Climb and destroy tower
by CoyoteForever
Karma: 90Solo
Tower of Hanoi, now with an AI co-op partner to mess things up!
Cohanoi Oppuzzle
by HuvaaKoodia
Karma: 110Open
You should grow your tower :D
by Tirnam
Karma: 89Solo
Push bricks. Ride Lifts.
Push In A Tower
by Jazunka
Karma: 78Solo