So since our game Path of the Shaman is going to be one of the tournament games we thought it could use some tweaks. Here's a list of fixes that the Post Jam Fix (WebGL) has:
Happy shrooming!
So me and @Juutis decided to take a stab at some procedural stuff this jam. We are trying to create a sort of a roguelite. Here's the dungeon generator at its current form:
As you can see it takes a couple of tries to find a suitable configuration of rooms (I've set it to require at least 3 rooms for now so that there is an end and a start). I'm also removing dead ends because they do not good gameplay make.
Our game is done! Try it out :).
I finally got around to completing our timelapse for 2nd Alakajam. It features a webcam and screenshots captured with Chronolapse from me and @Juutis.
My first venture into 3D. It's gonna be hard to get something playable out, but I'm motivated!
Blender is still so difficult to use and I need a tutorial for everything but I'm going to make every model myself anyway.
Here's a gif of what I've got after a couple of nights.
I'm going to follow the theme and make the story the main focus.
See you on the other side!
I had grand plans for 1st Kajam:
How did it turn out? Well, I managed to get a game out, and there is some polish to it, but nowhere near to what I had in mind.
It seems working on a game for a month or so is much harder than working on a game for just a weekend.
It was a pleasant experience anyhow, so no regrets.
So I started off with this (Friday)
(click the gif for better quality)
And continued with this (Sunday)
(click the gif for better quality)
And here I am now (Wednesday / Thursday night)