
Congratulations - The Tournament is over 0

Laguna • 2 years ago 

The 7th Alakajam Tournament is over!
Congratulations to the winners Synchronleuchter (with an all-gold streak), M2tias and AaronBacon

Give them a proper round of well deserved applause here at the leaderboard.
You will be contacted shortly to discuss selection and shipping of the prizes.

Of course Alakajam will have it's next event soon: Stay tuned for the 12th Kajam which starts at the end of April.

The Tournament is LIVE! 0

Laguna • 3 years ago 

The 7th Alakajam tournament is live!

Lets have a introduction of our Games

  • 666 Coins A "Thief" like stealth game where you need to steal "jamicians" from a procedurally generated world
  • Funguy Grow your adorable little funguy to the top as fast as possible
  • Funky Trip A action RPG in which Fungus Mc.Shroom fights the evil crystal Pinky in a cake world
  • Giant Mushbot Deal with being a GIANT MUSHBOT!
  • Path of the Shaman Piecefully collecting shrooms on a walk.

Good luck to all contestants.

If you have not heard about it, there will also be prizes for the top three contestants!

Tournament prizes 0

Laguna • 3 years ago 

The stars have aligned!
Humble contestants: The time is nigh for an epic battle of the highest highscores, the fastest runs and the smartest strategies.

For the upcoming 7th Alakajam Tournament to become a festival of honor, great achievements and awesome e-sportsmanship, we have spared no effort to bring you the finest selection of prizes for the noble winners.

We will have a pool of prizes from which the winners can select. The first place gets the first pick from the pool, second place the second pick and so on.

Remember, the Tournament will start on 2022-03-25, so warm up your gamepads, train your aim and relax those thumb-muscles,

Let's talk prizes

The prizes are of course all gamedev related

  • Blood Sweat and Pixels by Jason Schreier
  • Designing Games by Tynan Sylvester
  • Level Up! by Scott Rogers

Introducing the 7th AKJ tournament 2

Laguna • 3 years ago 

Great news! The next AKJ tournament is coming up!

How it works

For two weeks, starting on Friday 2022-03-25 at 7pm and until Sunday 2022-04-10 7pm, everyone is invited to play and post high scores on a selection of games from the 14th Alakajam and other gamejams. Using screenshots as proof, players can compete in those games' leaderboards for points.

For each game, players are awarded a number of points for being in the top 10, as per the table below. The players with the highest total scores are shown on a global leaderboard throughout, and at the end we'll announce the winner and runners up.

Check out the previous leaderboard to see the current title holders! :)

I want my game to be part of the AKJ Tournament

If you want your game to be part of the tournament, please comment under this post or contact Laguna (preferably via DM on Discord).