
Tipyx #357

Joined 6 years ago

We're in! 2

Tipyx • 4 years ago 

My partner in crime ( @Titaninette ) and I are in!
It'll be a first time in the world of gamedev and game jam for her, so it'll be very interesting for both of us :)

We'll use :

  • Haxe for the code language
  • Heaps / LED / CastleDB for the framework and tools
  • Aseprite to expose to the world my "beautiful" pixel art
  • Probably Beepbox for the music
  • And BFXR for the blip bloop things.

Good lick to all of you! 👅

I'm in \o/ 0

Tipyx • 5 years ago 

Long time since my last Alakajam.
As usual, combo Haxe + Heaps for the code, probably Pixel Art with Aseprite and maybe Tilesetter according to the theme.
Good luck everyone!

Only 5 days left... 2

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

Before knowing who will be the top 3 of this 4th Alakajam!

But to allow some games to be ranked, they'll need your help… and your rating! This is why we entered in "rescue mode".
You can too give them useful feedback and criticism on how improve their games.

4th Alakajam theme is : Falling 1

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

The 4th Alakajam just started !

The top voted theme is "Falling".

About the submission…

You can submit in two different category :

  • Ranked : October 14th 7:00pm UTC, which means you have 48 hours!
  • Unranked : October 15th 9:00pm UTC, which means you have a bit more than 72 hours!

And of course, you have an additionnal hour for submitting your game, so use your fulltime for making a (great) game!

Around the jam…

  • Tell us your progress during the jam here with prototype, gif or game design document.
  • You can tweet about it with the #alakajam (and follow the Alakajam twitter account too!).

Don't forget to sleep, you'll be more efficient if you do :). And eat too!
And most importantly : have fun! !
There is only two ends, you'll succeed, or you'll learn!

It's final week before the 4th Alakajam! 5

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

We reach more than 170 themes this time, but you know the rules… Only the top of the top of them can reach the shortlist.
And there is it…

It's now time to sort them from your favorite on top to your less one on bottom!

If you're one of us next week end, please tell us you're in with a post Don't hesitate to talk a little about yourself, it's always cool to learn and discover each other!

That's all folks!

It is time to submit themes and vote for them! 0

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

The 4th Alakajam! will start the October 12th at 7pm UTC and last to the October 14th at 7pm UTC. But for now, we have to find a theme!
So you can create an account, go here to submit themes (up to 3 by account) and vote for those you like!

The voting process

  • For one week (starting today, September 28th) you can submit up to three theme suggestions. Everyone else will be able to rate your suggestions positively or negatively.
  • After one week (at October 5th) suggestions will be closed. The top ten themes will be made public and everybody can vote for them in order of preference.
  • The final theme will be announced with the launch of the jam (at Friday October 12th, 7pm UTC) within a stream!

Things you can do

I'm in o// \\o \o/ 3

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

And I hope this time I'll spend less time in make engine & tools and making more gameplay :), but I think I'm gonna learn a lot again :D
As usual, I'll work with :

  • Haxe + Heaps framework
  • ASprite + TexturePacker for atlases (maybe some photoshop)
  • Not sure yet of what to do/use for Music & SFX… I'll try to put the minimum at least this time :D.

Good luck buddies!

JS version available ! 0

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

Just a little note here to tell you I had a JS version of my "game" if you don't succeed to play it with the SWF version.
Thanks a lot for those who played, and those who will played it!

Well, my "entry" is available 0

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

Hey buddies!
My entry is playable on Itch.io!
In my last jams, I usually manage well my time, but this, after a looong time without game jam, I completely mess my timing (too much time on doing my own library (but at least, they'll be done for the next time!), on the game physics and viewport, etc…).
Anyway, no more excuses, I'll do (much) better the next time!

I'm In! 0

Tipyx • 6 years ago 

Hey, Tipyx speaking here!

I'm glad to be in this new GameJam. I made some LudumDares, but I'm a little rusty on GameJaming, so it'll be a good exercice.

I'll be in using :

  • Haxe + Heaps for the code. Don't now yet if I'll export in flash, HTML (I never did that yet :o), or .exe… Guess I'll see ¯_(ツ)/¯ !
  • Aseprite and/or Photoshop, with TexturePacker for exporting the spritesheet.
  • Probably doing panic roll when it'll come the time to make some sound and music :D.

Good luck everyone!

P.S.: French here, sorry for the spelling mistakes :D

High scores

1 x02 x03 x1
Jolly Mapster
by TimTips
1'01"110 October 1st 2020
Cartography-less Island
by katuiche
890 September 30th 2020
Square Maps
by psevrain
190 October 10th 2020
by thomastc
37 October 25th 2019
by Raindrinker
76 October 26th 2019