
Neon Hijack Phone Port 0

Rubn • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Neon Hijack

Our game Neon Hijack is now compatible with mobile devices, and while we are working on porting it to an app you can play throw your phone's browser, the link can be found on the game page Keep playing, be the stop score!

Windows port of Data Runner 0

notnullnotvoid • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Data Runner

After an unexpected two-day struggle involving lots of head-scratching and a full OS reinstallation, I finally have both Windows and Mac builds of my entry working. You can find them here if you're interested. Now that that's out of the way, I can finally relax and play some jam games!

28 hours in - PEACEKEEPER is finished 0

HuvaaKoodia • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  PEACEKEEPER

Couldn't quite work as much today, but eventually everything important got in. More polish and tweaking sure could have been a benefit, but right now I don't really care.

Do give it a look if spaceships in space fighting a space war sounds like your kind of thing.

Ratings 1

Oat • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Room Swap

I'm pretty happy with my game, this time around. I'd apreciate some feedback
from y'all, and I'm hoping I can get 10 votes! I'll try to rate all the games, if I get
the time. Thanks! :-)

Android version available ! 1

Koroshi • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Aesthetic : Rise Of Synth

I made an android version of the game, it work on my Huawei Mate 10 but i couldn't test it on other phone, let me know if you find bug !

Solutions now available 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Transcribe

Given the feedback that some of the puzzles might be a bit too hard, I decided to include the solutions in the game description so that you can progress even if you get stuck at some point.

Mac and Linux Versions 0

sebastianscaini • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  You Can't See Everything at Once

I've released Mac and Linux versions of our game. They are untested, since I don't have the machines to test them.
If they're totally broken let me know and I'll remove them.

yaya 0

paperaero • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Darkness

2 votes, 8 more! 1 day, till 11 March more!

yay 4 votesss
also, everyone's games are really, really cool!

Too burned out to finish for the unranked. Still plan to finish the game. 1

GeekmasterK • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

What the title says. I need a break from working on this, and the power outage that kept my sister and I out of the ranked jam didn't do us any favors. We still plan to finish, though. Keep an eye out for a blog post with a link to play the game, if you want to try it when it's done.

Reworked 0

Prabh • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Astra!

Error resovled and game good to go. Waiting for votes now