
sebastianscaini #322

Joined 7 years ago


You Can't See Everything at Once + 0

sebastianscaini • 3 years ago 


An all new and expanded version of our team's 2nd Alakajam entry You Can't See Everything at Once featuring double the levels, a new original soundtrack and sounds, online leaderboards, and dozens of quality of life changes.

You Can't See Everything at Once + is a speedrunning focused hardcore platformer where you have to choose between seeing yourself and the level. Try to beat the game as fast as you can and compare your score to the rest of the world!


Rootin' Tootin' & No Shootin' Soundtrack 0

sebastianscaini • 5 years ago 

Check out Thiago Schiefer's amazing soundtrack for Rootin'Tootin'& No Shootin'!

Be sure to drop us a rating too if you haven't already!

Listen on Soundcloud.

Set Some Highscores! 0

sebastianscaini • 5 years ago 

Did you know Rootin' Tootin' & No Shootin' supports Alakajam highscores? Play the game, screenshot your best score and submit it to the Alakajam leaderboard!

We're looking forward to seeing your scores!

Rootin' Tootin' & No Shootin' 0

sebastianscaini • 5 years ago 

Wanted alive or alive! Check out Rootin' Tootin' & No Shootin' for some nonlethal bandit catching action!

We're going to prioritize rating the games of those who comment on ours so if you want to make sure we get to your ASAP drop us a rating and comment!


Howdy there, stranger! Welcome to Gatorstone. This here town’s a quiet little place. We mine and farm and mind our own business. But lately those Marsh Gang Rebels have been terrifyin’ the townsfolk out there among the willows and causing all sorts a hullabaloo!




Listen on Soundcloud.

I'm In! 1

sebastianscaini • 5 years ago 

I'm in for this Alakajam! I'm looking forward to jamming with everyone!

Follow me on Twitter to keep up with my progress!

Check out my previous entries too:

5th Alakajam: WizKnight

4th Alakajam: Falling in Love

3rd Alakajam: Hunk Hustler

2nd Alakajam: You Can't See Everything at Once

Only Need 4 More Ratings! 2

sebastianscaini • 6 years ago 

Check out WizKnight!!

We only have a few more to go! we'll return the favor and rate the games of everyone who rates ours so come drop by and give WizKnight a play!

Let's Rate Eachother! 1

sebastianscaini • 6 years ago 

Check out WizKnight!!

We'll prioritize rating the games of anyone who rates and comments on WizKnight some come trade ratings with us!

Check Out WizKnight! 0

sebastianscaini • 6 years ago 

Check out WizKnight, our entry for this Alakajam!


I'm In! 0

sebastianscaini • 6 years ago 

I'm back for another Alakajam! I'm looking forward to jamming with everyone again!

Follow me on Twitter to keep up with my progress!

Check out my previous entries too:

4th Alakajam: Falling in Love

3rd Alakajam: Hunk Hustler

2nd Alakajam: You Can't See Everything at Once

Last Chance to Rate Falling in Love 1

sebastianscaini • 6 years ago 

It's you last chance to rate Falling in Love!

As always, we'll return the favor for rating and leaving a comment by playing and commenting on your game! So be sure to drop us a rating so we can give yours a play too!

And since it's Screenshot Saturday, here's a new and exciting gameplay GIF for you to enjoy!

High scores

1 x12 x03 x0
Hunk Hustler
by sebastianscaini, Josh_Schwarm, Wulusi
33 June 25th 2018
Whirling Blades
by DaFluffyPotato
1'54"060 September 19th 2018