Joined 7 years ago
Hello everyone, this post is just to announce that we are very exited to be part of this Alakajam!
We are a team of Catalan college students at Universitat de Girona, and this is our first Alakajam together.
Our team is formed by:
The software that we will be using is:
We hope the best for all of you and wish for a fair game competition, in the end we are here to have fun.
Our game Neon Hijack is now compatible with mobile devices, and while we are working on porting it to an app you can play throw your phone's browser, the link can be found on the game page Keep playing, be the stop score!
You can now play to our game "Neon Hijack" on this link:
This game is the result of two intense days of hard working, and couldn't be posible if it wasn't for the work of @akame, @yurichan, @fabulousdesu, @zroz and myself (@rubn).
We are a team of college students who love participating in game jams as a way of learning gamemaking, and in the process, have fun.
We hope that all of you have enjoyed as much as we have, and we are willing to see and rate the thing that you have made. Thank you for reading!
Hello hello, here we are, we are a team of 5 college students on first year who enjoy jams as a way of learning. This is our second jam, and we hope to learn from past errors but also make new mistakes to learn from them to.
We will be using:
GameMaker Studio 2 as the engine
Asesprite for the art
Audacity and Ableton for sound/music
Our team is:
Yurichan and Akame making the Art
zRoz and myself (Rubn) programming
FabulousDesu supervising and creating the music
Good luck to everyone and happy game making!