Hello hello, here we are, we are a team of 5 college students on first year who enjoy jams as a way of learning. This is our second jam, and we hope to learn from past errors but also make new mistakes to learn from them to.
We will be using:
GameMaker Studio 2 as the engine
Asesprite for the art
Audacity and Ableton for sound/music
Our team is:
Yurichan and Akame making the Art
zRoz and myself (Rubn) programming
FabulousDesu supervising and creating the music
Good luck to everyone and happy game making!
@horizontale I think that I'll will stress myself till block and then fuck everything and just have fun making something that I can barely call music. Anyway, what'll be yours?
@fabulousdesu What's your workflow going to be like? I'm a fellow ableton man