Discover the results of the 8th Alakajam 0

Wan • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! 

It's official: the results for the 8th Alakajam! are out! You can find the results here:

Solo winners | Team winners

Kudos, high fives and back slaps to everyone who participated, in whatever way(s) you chose to. We hope you had a blast! If you have things to say about the event, feel free to share any feedback on the #headquarters channel of our Discord server.

Upcoming events

The 9th Alakajam! will take place on the 19-21 June 2020 week-end and should be a special event if all goes as planned. Expect a more detailed announcement on the matter soonish :)

Before that, the next event is held in March, and will be a gaming competition called AKJ Tournament. For two weeks, the community will be invited like last time to play & compete on jam games! If you want to submit your own game to the event, make sure you have ticked the "Allow game use for tournament" option in your game page. The moderators will hand pick four games from the list.

Thanks for being part of this fun event, we hope you had a nice time! See you soon <3

The game ratings phase is on 0

Thrainsa • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! 

For the next two weeks, all entrants are be able to give ratings on other games. Take some time to play & rate games, and even better write some feedback about it! Getting constructive feedback is one of the best ways to learn and improve one's game design skills, so please dish it out in buckets. While people who didn't enter the event cannot rate games, they can still post reviews.

By rating & commenting (even on Unranked entries), you will gain Karma that will make your game more visible to others. A high Karma gives you more chances to get ratings yourself and reach the minimum of 10 to be classified. Otherwise, you will not get a final ranking!

On March 7th, at 7pm UTC the final results will be released and the winners crowned :)

Go go go! Play and rate games!

Question 2

pikachurian • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Depth Jump

Can I add a timer to my game for high scores after the game is submitted?

DEPTH JUMP. 48 stressful hours 0

pikachurian • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Depth Jump

After 48 stressful hours our small team manged to finsh DEPTH JUMP, our team's 4th game jam game.

The game was made in GameMaker and is slightly inspired by Wario Land for the Virtual Boy and Celeste. The main mechanic, the depth jump which allows players to switch layers, was interesting to implement. The illusion of moving between two planes, the foreground and background, was achieved by shrinking the players sprite size and switch which objects the player can interact with. I might make the main character into a character mod for Rivals of Aether.

Craziest 48 hours 0

Subatiq • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Beauty and the Deep

My first game jam and my third finished game. I think the results are not bad. I didn't think I'd manage to do it so fast. Thanks, everyone in this community for the opportunity to have so much fun!

It was interesting to work on a project using a different environment. For sprites, I used Procreate 5 and AirDropped it right into Unity, which is super helpful. Small edits and tweaks, simple new sprites, etc. were ready in seconds.

The hardest part was understanding the scope. I think that the initial plan was perfect. Almost all of the features that are in the game were planned at the start. But estimating how long each element will take and how much time left overall is painful. The time management and planning is massive for this kind of rushes. But I think now I feel more confident about that.

To create sounds, I used only my voice, bass, and rhythm guitars. Post-processed everything in Adobe Audition (7-day trial version) to make it sound like underwater.

I really wanted to make music but didn't have time for this delighter. If you'd like to play my game, I recommend listening to some chill hop on the background.

Now it's time to sleep and play some of your games tomorrow. I wish everyone luck!

Bonus day for unranked submissions 0

Thrainsa • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! 

Congratulations everyone for joining the jam :)

Submissions are still open for unranked submissions: while those won't be officially ranked, they can expect as many people to play & comment on them. So, if you haven't finished your game in time, it's not too late to complete something! Game submissions will completely close Monday at 10pm UTC.

We will post more details about the voting phase tomorrow evening, but you can already go play & review games right now!

Finished! 0

Odrez • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Anywhere for you

I always, always forget about submission hour! But I still made it.

Really proud of my first pico game and it was great working with something pixel & tile based again. Will definitely repeat.

Hope everyone was able to finish their projects or learn enough to compensate for a half project. Happy post-jam!

Whale, I'm done! 0

TimTips • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Whale whale whale, ...

I had a lot of fun creating this. My highlight has to be the recording of whale sounds. If they didn't before, my neighbours now think I am totally nuts.
I do wish I had more time (as usual) and would have refined the gameplay mechanics. I had a ton of ideas to add but I would also have liked to refine the way whale-steering works. Whale, it is what it is.
If you like, take a look at

Whale Whale Whale

Mostly finished game. 1

remiv • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Surviving Flock

Okay, I realy need animation skill. But it à small simple game.

I had severall technical problem (as in: forgotten plug for a laptop,…), and it realy lake animation.

Space marine commander 0

dollarone • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! 

I knew I had no time to join this time, but I just can't help dreaming. Spent some time thinking out a concept and made a suggested UI for it. You're a space marine mission commander sitting in a space craft, communicating with your team as they try to locate a precious laptop from a research facility that went completely dark and silent a week ago.

There's nothing more done apart from the mockup though, so I won't have anything to submit… unless I can smash something together this evening? But I have no time… unless?