Joined 5 years ago
TREASURES is a rouge-lite platformer where you collect treasure and then return to the surface. While at first this game seems to be simple, it actually has a high skill cap. Here are some tips and tricks to help you collect more treasure and get better at the game.
1.Wall Climbing. If you are stuck in a place that seems you can't get out of, try wall climbing. Move either left or right, jump(space) and press J, you will grab onto the wall and stay there until you jump or press J again. Now while you are on the wall repeat the steps again and you will scale the wall like it's nothing (just make sure to time your wall jumps).
2.Rare treasure. There are three different rarities common, uncommon, and rare chests. When you are looking around for treasure, if you see this one then something expensive will be inside!
3.Hidden Treasure. When you encounter one of the tents or huts make sure to go near it because a treasure could be hiding behind it.
Sometimes treasure spawns behind tents or huts so keep an eye out for them.
4.Head Up to the Surface When You Have Low Health. When you are descending in to the lower levels of the cave make sure you keep track of your health, spikes, creatures and even falling could end your run! So be wise and make a descision to go up before it's too late.
5.Make Wise Descisions on what you are carrying. When you find some treasure take a little time to think "Is it worth it to pick this up". Remember you only have twelve slots before you can't collect anymore treasure, so make sure you know what treasure you're picking up so you don't run out of space when you find rare treasure.
6.Better treasure. The deeper you go you will find better and more expensive treasure but you will also find more creatures so make sure you are ready for it.
Thank you for reading this post. If you have any questions about TREASURES, feel free reply and ask.
The game
Can I add a timer to my game for high scores after the game is submitted?
After 48 stressful hours our small team manged to finsh DEPTH JUMP, our team's 4th game jam game.
The game was made in GameMaker and is slightly inspired by Wario Land for the Virtual Boy and Celeste. The main mechanic, the depth jump which allows players to switch layers, was interesting to implement. The illusion of moving between two planes, the foreground and background, was achieved by shrinking the players sprite size and switch which objects the player can interact with. I might make the main character into a character mod for Rivals of Aether.