
Whale whale whale 1

TimTips • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Whale whale whale, ...

It's swimming!

Progress with my puzzle game 0

Mr. Chocolate Salmon • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  I.C (Depth Puzzle)

Gotten the first few levels done, so tomorrow I might get another couple done, and then do some graphic and musical polish. Puzzle gameplay mechanics all work, so I'm pretty pleased.

taking tiny steps 0

Dungeon generation 0

bradur • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Zarguuf's Cellar

So me and @Juutis decided to take a stab at some procedural stuff this jam. We are trying to create a sort of a roguelite. Here's the dungeon generator at its current form:

As you can see it takes a couple of tries to find a suitable configuration of rooms (I've set it to require at least 3 rooms for now so that there is an end and a start). I'm also removing dead ends because they do not good gameplay make.

Some weird stuff 0

TimTips • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Whale whale whale, ...

Alright, so I am doing this. I just worked an hour on a quick prototype before I went to bed. This is morning one and the first real day of working on it.
I started off with a tile-mining "get as deep as you can" "idea". I actually did a quick prototype (I like to do these things as "evolving design") and will not use any of it.

Instead I am now actually trying to pull something off in the genre of "Gamified Fakeucation" (that I may very well just have made up) and will be a weird and hopefully entertaining piece about the life and reproduction of whales.

I will use Illustrator, Spine for animations, Unity as engine and Reaper for recording.
I wish you all a lot of fun!

Edit: it's spelled whale not wale. There you go fakeucation!
Edit2: Here's the whale

End of Day 1 0

DaFluffyPotato • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Aeroblaster

I'm quite a bit ahead of schedule at the moment.

I've made
and he has

Depth Parkour! 0

dyguests • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Depth Parkour

Finally,I made it!(?)

hope next time can be better.

view game

Dinner and Design 0

Kerri • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! 

With the help of my incredible partner I was able to rubber duck a number of ideas in a short amount of time and finally settled on what I think promises to be a cute little story with some theme-adjacent ideas behind it. My goal with this is to learn how to create an interesting method of narrative story telling that's intuitive, fun, and more than just a series of dialogue boxes at the bottom of the screen.

Between the tea-fueled idea phase and the planning phase we sat down for a hearty dev-fuel dinner of pie and chips with yet more tea as seen below.

Really looking forward to putting this together and I hope I can do the idea some form of justice, my drawing skills are incredibly rusty and I'm going to be relying on them far too heavily for this project.

Unity Project Sketch 0

elZach • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Under The Sea

From talking with my peers, I guess underwater interpretation of the theme will be pretty popular.

Don't really know what to do yet, but I always feel more comfortable just blocking something out and see where it takes me.

Some Early Sketches 0

DaFluffyPotato • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Aeroblaster

I'm doing something a bit ambitious this time and it's probably based more on the idea of falling than depth. I haven't written a single line of code yet. I've just got an idea and some sketches.