Some weird stuff 0

TimTips • 5 years ago on 8th Alakajam! entry  Whale whale whale, ...

Alright, so I am doing this. I just worked an hour on a quick prototype before I went to bed. This is morning one and the first real day of working on it.
I started off with a tile-mining "get as deep as you can" "idea". I actually did a quick prototype (I like to do these things as "evolving design") and will not use any of it.

Instead I am now actually trying to pull something off in the genre of "Gamified Fakeucation" (that I may very well just have made up) and will be a weird and hopefully entertaining piece about the life and reproduction of whales.

I will use Illustrator, Spine for animations, Unity as engine and Reaper for recording.
I wish you all a lot of fun!

Edit: it's spelled whale not wale. There you go fakeucation!
Edit2: Here's the whale

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