
I'm in 0

heyheyhey • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  The Witch, the Moon, and Alice

My first Alakajam. I know I'm late but maybe I can come up with something playable.


REPLICA 2D Game Framework
JavaScript with jQuery
ChipTone or similar for sounds

Good luck everyone

camera & animated tiles 1

alyphen • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  In search of underground music

animated tiles and camera movement are working ok. so we have disco tiles.

game? 0

alyphen • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  In search of underground music

there's physics or something, you can move, and the maps load. that's a start.

Late to "I'm in" but I'm in! 1

Kerri • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! 

I surprised myself last night when I settled on an idea in just a couple of hours, I had spent the week thinking about several for Books and A Star, but Caves winning took me by surprise. Needless to say I'm excited to take part and I've spent this morning putting my idea down and drawing the mechanics out of it. The rest of today will be spent building placeholder assets and developing the mechanics.

The important part for me this time around is the story I want to tell with the game so I'll be focussing a lot on the narrative elements and on a dialogue system, unfortunately I may have to sacrifice sound effects. To that end though I've put out a request to my musically inclined sister and if she is able to deliver there may even be music! (Not counting on it though). Excluding music this will be a solo entry.

Godot 3
Visual Studio Code

Good luck to everyone participating I look forward to playing your games.

Rook 3

xaha2425 • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! 

Pretty excited to join my 1st game jam ever.
I hope I could get myself through successfully after a yearly break from game dev.

I'm in for the first time 3

Kesslwovv • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  Toxic Cave

This is my first game jam ever and I'm super excited.

The documentation states:

You are also allowed to use:
Third-party fonts

how does this apply to my own pre-made fonts?

Engine: None
Language: Python
Graphics Library: PyGame
IDE: PyCharm (community edition)
Music: BeepBox
Sfx: I don't know yet…
Graphics: Px Editor 4.2 (improved version of @DaFluffyPotato's Px Editor 3 )

My goals:
I will not be able to do anything on Sunday so here are my goals:

  • finishing the Game
  • making music and sfx (I have never done this before)
  • animations (also my first time)

First Alakajam! 0

ToasterTot • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  The Underground Hollow

This will be my first Alakajam I've ever done! I've done Ludum Dare before and also gm48() but I haven't worked on a game in a while and I want to get back into the swing of things. I'm fairly busy this weekend so we'll see how much progress I'll make. I always set my scope too large when doing game jams, so my primary focus is going to keep reeling in my scope so it'll be possible for me to finish. I'm excited to see what everyone makes, have a good jam!

I'm in! 0

joshalex5 • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  Mining Mayhem

My first Alakajam - joining solo to spend my weekend doing something creative! I've dabbled with some games a bit at home but never really finished anything so this will be good to be forced to finish something against my will.

Game Maker Studio 2 for code/graphics
Audacity + lots of distortion for audio (and whatever else I can cobble together)

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with :)

I'm in 0

yozy • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  Cavexploder

Well it's supposed to be raining the whole weekend so there's a good excuse to avoid people for a while :)

This time I think I'll go with C++ and SDL2. My previous jams were done using LÖVE which is great, but a bit unpleasant to debug. I think I'll go with something really simple this time though.

I'm in ! 4

chiyeon • 3 years ago on 12th Alakajam! entry  raft

Stuck at home for a few weeks as I recover from a minor surgery, the 12th Alakajam seems a lot more fun than lying in bed all day : )

I've never entered an Alakajam before, but the community, website, and everything overall looks super nice. Good luck everyone!

engine: godot
graphics: blender (3d) / libresprite (2d)
sound: fl studio, bfxr, audacity

also running herbstluftwm & manjaro