
maartene #896

Joined 6 years ago

It's a start... 2

maartene • 2 years ago 

Can you prevent the hydro plant from breaking and keep the villagers safe?

Wanna try it yourself?
ssh -p 2222
Note: at this time, no commands other than create_user, login and close work.

Progress! 2

maartene • 3 years ago 


After Game Center match making, I now have some interactivity: choose your ship's heading and thrust.

  • It's a lockstep setup with input delay (currently two steps). Only input is synchronized between clients;
  • Simulation updates every 0.1s (and waits if input doesn't come in);
  • The "physics simulation" should be deterministic if Double acts the same on all iPhones/iPads.


  • It's not a game yet: no win/lose condition;
  • When it comes to network: current implementation uses tcp/ip and sends input as JSON to other clients. This should probably be optimized;
  • There is no graceful end of game: only stop the process.

Entering the Multiplayer Kajam! 0

maartene • 3 years ago 

So, I finally managed to get working:

  • Game Center Sign In in SwiftUI
  • Matchmaking
  • Start a match
  • Exchange data between clients (just some strings with random data for now).

This means I can start making a multiplayer game!

Because Game Center is strictly peer-to-peer out of the box, I'll try and implement a deterministic lockstep mechanism. Hopefully the Swift Decimal type is stable accross architectures.

Less than 10 hrs to GO! 0

maartene • 5 years ago 

Looking forward to this weekend's Jam:

  • a shortlist of original themes that can be interpreted many different ways - wonder which one will end on top;
  • planned out the weekend for this;
  • great way to end my vacation.

Haven't decided on tech/tools yet. Though Love2D looks cool to give a try.

Good luck everyone!

Need only one more rating! 2

maartene • 5 years ago 

update: made it!

Soooo close to getting a rating. Only need one more. But the deadline is nearing also. I'm getting desperate. :P

Please help me out here. You can play my game here:
Should only take you a couple of minutes and it will run on anything (even a phone)

I will play your game if you leave a comment.


The "5 hour game" is done 0

maartene • 5 years ago 

Life happened this weekend, but Alakajams are a pretty rare occasion, so I did spend time to make a game.

Not the game I wanted to make: I wanted to make a web based multiplayer game (next time…), but that didn't fit my time constraints. So back to IF and Ink. Luckily I could reuse my template code from last Alakajam. Its also my first ranked entry. :)

If you feel like it, you can play it here.

I'm in for the first time 0

maartene • 6 years ago 

First time participating in Alakajam and looking forward to it sooooo much. I wanted to participate in this Jam for as long as it existed. Now finally the schedule-stars align well enough to give it a go.

Just a little over an hour of time to kill before I can start.

Anyway, I only really have time tonight and on Sunday, so I'll need to see how much I can get done and probably keep it very simple.

I'll definitely be using Unity 3D, Pixelmator and Affinity Photo, Garageband and Chiptone;
If doing 3D: MagicaVoxel and/or Blender.
Target format will be WebGL for sure.

Anyway, looking forward to the coming days, submitting a game and then enjoy playing your games!

High scores

by thomastc
2247 October 24th 2020
Orderly Objects
by HuvaaKoodia
8'48"000 December 8th 2021
Bird Jumper
by Sammy6
594 October 17th 2018