
10th Alakajam! Solo Again... 0

MatchaMaze • 4 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Weird Sea Treasure Hunt

Hello everyone!
Back and to the Jam!

This time due to constraints I'll be Jaming alone.
Going for something minimalistic!

Engine: Unity
Graphics: Aseprite, Krita
Audio: Bosca Ceoil, Vegas, Guitar

Streaming as much as I can!
Check out all the streamers!

Three themes at the start? That will be great! 0

Talia • 4 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  HighSeaSweeper

Sometimes the themes are good, sometimes they don't matter and sometimes they can mess up the jam.
I like the idea of being able to choose from 3 themes.

I will be joining for the sixth time. I also wish everybody a lots of creativity and edurance for the Jam!!!

We're in! 2

Tipyx • 4 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Sailor Swift

My partner in crime ( @Titaninette ) and I are in!
It'll be a first time in the world of gamedev and game jam for her, so it'll be very interesting for both of us :)

We'll use :

  • Haxe for the code language
  • Heaps / LED / CastleDB for the framework and tools
  • Aseprite to expose to the world my "beautiful" pixel art
  • Probably Beepbox for the music
  • And BFXR for the blip bloop things.

Good lick to all of you! 👅

My First Alakajam! Composer wanting to collab & make some music for this jam 2

bravura_music • 4 years ago on 10th Alakajam! 

Well hello there

I'm offering my services as a composer (no payment required of course) this weekend, to get involved in the 10th Alakajam!

If you're a dev and cooking a lil sutt'n up this weekend that you think… hmmm…. would be nice to have some TASTY AUDIO to go with these DELICIOUS VISUALS then I might be your guy :D

Limited portfolio at, these are mostly combat tracks for Action genre. Just to give you some examples - I can compose for most genres and styles :)

Let's talk if you're interested (

Best o' luck to everyone this weekend!

Florida Man is In! 4

TimBeaudet • 4 years ago on 10th Alakajam! entry  Ball Guys: Ship It!


As normal I will be streaming all my developments on so follow there!

The themes seem to be a swarm around sailing on a ship over the waves of the ocean. The clouds will come from wind and rain on your paths to the moon. Travel with your map so separation is not a problem. Play your cards right and this generation will swap chains like clockwork.

Not sure the themes are fun but I will be testing out my new physics engine which barely has balls working.


  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Photoshop
  • Blender
  • Turtle Brains GameDev Framework
  • Internal Combustion Engine 3D/Physics


  • Sara (cat)
  • Monky (birb)
  • Indie (dog)

Battle Station

In the hands of C H A O S 2

Public service announcement 2

C H A O S B R E E D S C R E A T I V I T Y 0

Dev diary 8

dollarone • 4 years ago on Music Kajam entry  Chip Challenge

I'm working on an idea I started on for the Music Kajam. Progress is slow and I am finding it hard to concentrate on dev at the moment.

I thought that creating a kind of dev diary and adding progress updates to it here might help with motivation. Let's try it!

Today I added fade-out and also fade-ins to the game. This is done by palette shifting through the available 4 colours. I think it works quite well!

The end of a jam and some future plans 0

MatchaMaze • 4 years ago on ScoreSpace x Alakajam! entry  Rangers of the Cursed Land

Thank you everyone for the jam!

Thank You for the Streamer's Choice and the 3rd place in the Team Divison!
There's a lot to process and rethink about game development and all the feedback heleped!

The stream aspect of this past 10 days added a lot to the event!
Thank you for everyone who joined the streams!

Now I'm going back to my normal scheduel. If you have a minigame, demo, prototype, full game, etc. that you would like me to test, showcase, disect live, contact me! Would like to do regular sessions on Fridays!