Celebrate failures during development! 13

remco • 4 years ago on 9th Kajam entry  Super Marble Kick 2000 DX

… as long as they kind of look cool:

Working in 3D always seems to produce the best effects whenever anything goes wrong. Anyone else have any artful embarassments yet? If so, it might be nice to share 😁

Comments (13)

 • 4 years ago • 

Aww yeah! This is my kind of thread. I have a few of these actually, but here's one from before I added texturing:

Clearly I just needed to clear my buffer >_>.

  • 4 years ago • 

@toasty Yes that's exactly the sort of thing I mean :-) Always nice when you at least know how to fix it as well.

 • 4 years ago • 

Awesome Stuff! I had some glitches similar to @toasty, but unfortunately no recording of those.

 • 4 years ago • 

I'm interested to know what was going on in your example @remco - it looks strangely beautiful :D

 • 4 years ago • 

I hope people post here often. These are always fun :D
First gif of my textures "working"

And here's a "fixed" version

  • 4 years ago • 

@M2tias, neat! Could almost be a feature… step into the tecture :-D

  • 4 years ago • 

Oops, hadn't seen the other comments yet.

@Laguna, 2 jobs ago we had a folder for these kinds of mistakes the whole team could post to. I still remember from time to time. "That's one for the 'found' art folder". So I guess I'm more likely than the average person to save their mistakes now?

@toasty Various causes, I seem to remember:

  • I think I was somewhere halfway between swithcing out planes and introducing spheres,
  • leaving the lighing 'system' on,
  • then not filtering out any hits behind the player,
  • standing inside of a dense cluster of what where previously bounding spheres, but now visible,
  • … and of course forgetting a minus sign somewhere.
 • 4 years ago • 

This evening I decided to implement distance fog.

 • 4 years ago • 

Getting better…

 • 4 years ago • 

beautiful glitches!

  • 4 years ago • 

Some more:

 • 4 years ago • 

wow, @remco are you doing a full raytracer (as opposed to raycaster)?

  • 4 years ago • 

@voxel Yes I am! :-) At the moment these glitches look better than the more correctly functioning shader though ….

Initially I had planned to retool/simplify the raytracer I had so it could do raycasting, but I abandonned that and am instead making a branch where I throw out all of the 'arbitrary oriented triangle' stuff I had and focus on speheres and axis aligned cubes instead. Which I feel is still a bit in the spirit of raycasting being a simplified raytracing.

To compensate I plan to give rays a role in the gameplay as well. If I get that far before the deadline!

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