Joined 4 years ago
I'd like to cobble something. I'm getting really rusty and haven't been really completing stuff. The goal is to set expectations really low this time.
I'll be going with Allegro again.
For this jam I have decided to ditch LÖVE and Lua for the good old C++ with SDL2. I have very much enjoyed using lua but being not the most of efficient coders, I like to have a bit of a performance edge. And did I need it :D
I was always a fan of shoot em up games, usually the vertical kind. One thing they don't usually have is destructible terrain.
So there was my idea: "A horizontal shoot em up inside a cave composed of descructible rocks"
What went well
What went poorly
Post jam ideas
Well it's supposed to be raining the whole weekend so there's a good excuse to avoid people for a while :)
This time I think I'll go with C++ and SDL2. My previous jams were done using LÖVE which is great, but a bit unpleasant to debug. I think I'll go with something really simple this time though.
Mid-jam I feared that I won't have anything remotely playable, but in the end I was able to submit something.
What went well
What went poorly
What's next
I'd like to continue working on this one a bit. There are so many features that the game is missing:
Some of the features I wanted to have in the original game. In my head the game should have looked much more like ancient ruins, in the current version one has to squint quite a bit to find the theme.
Hey, I am Jozef and this will be my second time participating here. First one was Raycasting Kajam and it was a lot of fun.
Since I am still very green in all game-related stuff, I will be using Love2D and writing everything in Lua (in vim). In my last project I've managed to make my program segfault and never really find out why, so this time around I'll try to avoid that.
I feel that no matter the theme, I will probably end up making something using mostly geometric graphics. One thing I wanted to try was to make music using one of those simplified-music-production mobile apps, so we'll see where that goes.