Ruintris post-submittem 0

yozy • 4 years ago on 11th Alakajam! entry  Ruintris

Mid-jam I feared that I won't have anything remotely playable, but in the end I was able to submit something.

What went well

  • The scope was rather well chosen all things considered. Fortunately I was able to shave off a lot of features that I have initially planned, without compromising the core gameplay too much.
  • I was very pleased to discover the pixel tool in Affinity Photo.
  • Choice of a 12x12 tiny block size helped a lot, since this was my first foray into pixel art after two decades.
  • Love2d was great to use, I didn't have any hickups.
  • Somehow I managed to retain a normal sleep schedule.

What went poorly

  • I have realized way too late that my logic for making pieces fall after explosion is wrong. This makes the game harder than intended.
  • I've spent too much time animating the conveyor belt, when I realized I could have had it done in a few minutes.
  • The controls are not well explained and somewhat unintuitive, they require more work. This is similar to my previous game, so definitely something to work at.
  • Too much time wasted just playing around with the game rather than coding.

What's next
I'd like to continue working on this one a bit. There are so many features that the game is missing:

  • Music and sound.
  • Actual puzzles, requiring some planning.
  • More levels.
  • Crawling, jumping, falling…

Some of the features I wanted to have in the original game. In my head the game should have looked much more like ancient ruins, in the current version one has to squint quite a bit to find the theme.

  • Sand tiles that always spill over.
  • Buttons and doors.
  • Water and water bricks.
  • Traps.

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