
Express participation intent 0

yozy • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! entry  Fungi

I'd like to cobble something. I'm getting really rusty and haven't been really completing stuff. The goal is to set expectations really low this time.

I'll be going with Allegro again.

*hacker voice* I'm in 0

Aurel300 • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! 

Never gonna break my streak 0

thomastc • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! entry  The Wrong Mushrooms

13 Alakajams and counting! Even though I'm pretty tired and have a baby to care for, I'm still going to poop out some kind of game this weekend.

I'm thinking of trying out Twine because it's super easy to get something started quickly, but I might change my mind and switch to Godot depending on what game design I come up with.

Edit: briefly tried both Twine and Inkle, and I like Inkle better, so I'm going with that. Or Godot. We'll see.

IN 4

voxel • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! entry  Unfungused Game

For the last few days I've been putting together a little cross platform game engine. It's not at all ready for use but a good JAM will make the problems with it pretty obvious real fast, so that's my plan for the weekend - write game in unfinished engine.

Also if the theme is boring I will make a GIANT ROBOTS game regardless, thanks.

Introducing the 7th AKJ tournament 2

Laguna • 2 years ago on 7th Alakajam Tournament 

Great news! The next AKJ tournament is coming up!

How it works

For two weeks, starting on Friday 2022-03-25 at 7pm and until Sunday 2022-04-10 7pm, everyone is invited to play and post high scores on a selection of games from the 14th Alakajam and other gamejams. Using screenshots as proof, players can compete in those games' leaderboards for points.

For each game, players are awarded a number of points for being in the top 10, as per the table below. The players with the highest total scores are shown on a global leaderboard throughout, and at the end we'll announce the winner and runners up.

Check out the previous leaderboard to see the current title holders! :)

I want my game to be part of the AKJ Tournament

If you want your game to be part of the tournament, please comment under this post or contact Laguna (preferably via DM on Discord).

We are in! 2

Laguna • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! entry  Funky Trip

This time, we will join in quite a large group. Our team consists of
Adkiem, Aneira, DiggiPander, Laguna, Thunraz and xxBloodyOrange. So obviously we will submit for the team session. We have worked in the same setup for the FrankenGameJam 2021 and it worked out great there!

For the tools we will use C++ with a custom JamTemplate that allows to deploy on windows, linux and web. Under the hood it uses SFML and SDL. IDEs will be Visual Studio, clion and visual studio code.
For graphics, aseprite will be used and the sound effects and music will be done in Cubase and Garage Band.

So from my side, I wish everybody already good luck and a great time!

Two announcements for the 14th Alakajam 2

Laguna • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! 

Hi everyone!

The 14th Alakajam is coming up on the next weekend! While everyone gets their engines ready and thinks about some concepts for the shortlist themes, there are two important anouncements:

Opening Stream

Before the jam starts, we will have the ever so awesome Opening Stream by @Aurel3000 and @DanaePlays.

  • What? Get even more hyped for the 14th Alakajam and join for the shortlist elimination.
  • Where? On DanaePlays' Twitch Channel -> Click
  • When? One hour prior to the jam -> February 25, 6pm UTC

Upcoming Alakajam Tournament

Closely after the Alakajam ends, the next awesome event will start! This will be the Alakajam Tournament, running from 2022-03-25 to 2022-10-04. You can find some details about it here.
When submitting your game for the 14th Alakajam, you can opt in to have it as a possible candidate for the Tournament. So if you have a highscore to crack, some ingame-timer to beat or some other mechanic to competetively play your game, this is a great opportunity! Make sure to plan ahead and join us on that event!

Preparation for the Jam

But back to the 14th Alakajam: If you are wondering how to prepare for the jam, you can

  • Share a "I am in" post here on the website, talking about your team, tools and ideas for the themes (cat pictures are appreciated as well)
  • Join the community on discord, follow on Twitter or on reddit
  • Take a look at the rules

Theme shortlist voting started! 0

Raindrinker • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! 

Now the second round of theme voting starts: Shortlist voting! This means theme submission is no longer possible - instead, the ten most popular themes from the first phase will be available for everyone to rank. Drag and drop the themes into a ranked list in order of preference.

If you have not done yet, also feel free to create an "I am in" Post. What tools are you using? What is your setup like? Did you take part in previous gamejams? Tell the community a little bit about you and your goals for the upcoming 14th Alakajam!

Finally, in one week, the jam kicks off! Exciting!

Ghost Heart Version 2 0

heyheyhey • 2 years ago on 13th Alakajam! entry  Ghost Heart

The long-awaited moment has arrived. A post-jam version of Ghost Heart (AK13) is now available:

G H O S T * H E A R T * V 2

It features music by Daniel Birch, a better story, and a new character.


Daniel Birch:
In The Distance, Final Steps
The Shape of Nothing


Natasha’s torso was inspired by a model in Winds of Autumn, a fashion video by Hervé Demers et al.

Two of the derelict robots are derivatives from Towards the Infinite: Twenty Drawings by Kahlil Gibran.

Theme submission now open! 0

Raindrinker • 2 years ago on 14th Alakajam! 

The 14th Alakajam is happening from February 25nd to 27th. But first we have to find a theme! You can now submit themes you like and vote for the themes of other participants. All you have to do is to create an account and start to submit and rate themes.

The Best themes are those that help you get started but also can be interpreted in wild and interesting ways!

The voting process
For one week (starting February 11th) you can submit up to three theme suggestions and rate theme suggestions from others either positively or negatively. After one week, on February 18th, theme submission will be closed. The top ten themes will then be made public and everybody can rank them in order of preference

The final theme will be announced with the launch of the jam (at Friday February 25nd, 7pm UTC), live on stream.

Things to do right now
Create an account if you don't already have one
Write an "I am in" blog post - tell us who you are, what tools you use or what themes you like!
Check the detailed rules and the support thread
Join us on Twitter, Reddit or on Discord