This is it! Congratulations to everyone! 21

Wan • 7 years ago on 1st Alakajam! 

The 1st Alakajam! is now complete! Congratulations to everyone who entered the event, and in particular to those of you who managed for the first time to make a game in 48 hours! It's quite an achievement :) We hope you had fun!

Next step is: the rating phase! You are invited to go play and test each other's game during the next two weeks. On October 8th, we will finally reveal the results of the community votes.

Site issues

We'd also like to acknowledge the little issues we got, from the crazy theme-announcement-mixup-thing, to the server availability issues around submission hour :) We've learnt a lot this week-end, and got reports for various bugs regarding our freshly built site (NB. there's still an annoying one causing occasional crashes). Everyone has been very supportive and understanding, so we'd like to thank everyone who joined, making this a very enjoyable first event.

Hopefully the 2nd Alakajam will be even better! If you want to book the date already, we have chosen the 23-25 February 2018 week-end for that one. But for now, it's time to play some games!

Comments (21)

 • 7 years ago • 

Hey Wan, can I change the version of my file now, I have minor changes, if I said it in the description is it considered cheating ? If I edit the entry will this pass the entry in unranked ?
Thanks for your answer :)

  • 7 years ago • 

@Call_in If they're not really important it's better to leave them as is, and set up a "post-jam" version. It's your call though, if you feel your game would really be broken without those changes, just do them and mention them in the description!

Also, you can freely edit your entry after the jam, as you can see the Division field is now locked.

 • 7 years ago • 

Ok Wan, Thx I'll do the change, I just forgot to allow the health potion function x)

 • 7 years ago • 

You did a great job. This website is very clear and easy to use. I should be abroad on february but if possible, I'll try to join again.

 • 7 years ago • 

Awesome jam, had so much fun doing this!

 • 7 years ago • 

Great website, great orga. This was fun! I already marked the february date in my calendar!

 • 7 years ago • 

I got a question Wan :
How do the feedback score work, seem like the lower it is, the better the game is

  • 7 years ago • 

@lorledeath The feedback score is only used to give you more visibility in the game list. The bigger your feedback score is, the higher on the list! You gain points by rating other games and writing comments.

So if a game has a very high score, it just means it gave much more ratings & comments than it got back yet.

 • 7 years ago • 

Oh no, the rating faze!
It's the moment of truth.

Anyway, good luck to everyone!

I won't rank. lol.

 • 7 years ago • 

Thanks for all of this to Wan and everyone else. Despite being the first jam for this site I didn't feel any hiccups, and everything went smoothly. It was a great experience, and I will definitely be a part of it again in February.

 • 7 years ago • 

Great jam! And I didn't even have to get up at 3 AM in order to participate, which was also excellent.

I hope that an optional genre(s) tag-field on the entries (combined with a corresponding filter) will be added at some point, to aid in browsing once Alakajam grows larger!

  • 7 years ago • 

@Somnium It's funny you're asking this, because a such tag feature is actually in development. We couldn't finish it in time for this jam, but it's definitely planned!

We're glad y'all had a nice time joining this jam, thanks for the kind words!

 • 7 years ago • 

@Wan @Somnium Yep, that's my fault on this one. I was supposed to end the development before the jam but I lost lots of time due to a bug in the framework we use. I don't have much time now to finish it but I'll push the feature as soon as possible ;)

 • 7 years ago • 

Was a lot of fun! The site works really well, even for the first jam. I think what's most encouraging is the activity on the github project page - it's a constant stream of features, updates and bugfixes.

The project is open source, and if you want to help out there's a bunch of issues marked as "newcomer friendly" in the issue tracker. :)

 • 7 years ago • 

@Wan Just reporting a bug, you can't @ someone if they have two underscores in their name because it thinks you're trying to do special formatting through surrounding something with _'s.

  • 7 years ago • 

@HonestDan That's a tricky one! Thanks for the report.

 • 7 years ago • 

@Wan @Thrainsa That sounds great!
Is it possible to "white-list" the details and summary tags? I just spent an hour writing a walkthrough for my game, using this feature (as it works fine in the post preview), but the tags seems to be sanitized when I saved the updated post, which left all the "spoilers" out in the open :-)

I.e. I tried to use it for "unfolding" hints, like this:

[details][summary]Trial 1: Produce a Resum Crystal[/summary]
[details][summary]Step 1:[/summary] By hovering the mouse over the starting substances, you can see that *Pure Resum* has a breaking point of *Weak Heat*. **So start by applying Weak Heat** (or hotter). This breaks the substances into 4 elements of *Resum*.[/details]
[details][summary]Step 2:[/summary] Hover the mouse...........[/details]

edit: Heh, the tags were also stripped from this post, even though they were within code-markdown - they have ben re-added, replacing the tags with [ ] . Perhaps the preview function should display the sanitized version of the post as well? :-)

  • 7 years ago • 

@Somnium Thanks for the report. Thing is, the Markdown preview in the editor and our actual Markdown renderer are two different libs, so they have slightly different behaviour with HTML. We should probably look into uniformizing them.

We still have to document what's possible/not possible (this is high in the priority list), if we did you'd know that for spoilers @Aurel300 has contributed a custom tag you can use: p class=spoiler (special chars omitted). Renders like that:

Hey what are you looking at?

 • 7 years ago • 

@Wan Ah, that makes sense.

As for the spoiler tag, I did try that first, but it is not as useful for a "gradual" hint system such as the above, where you can unfold a partial explanation, and then try it out (since trying it out requires moving the mouse). Also, since it is rendered as a block, the walkthrough would then take up the full combined space of all the hints, even when hidden? :-)

  • 7 years ago • 

@Somnium Good points, we'll see if we can improve the spoiler block then. The native details/summary tags are indeed cool but they aren't supported on IE at all :(

 • 7 years ago • 

@Wan A fair point, I was not aware that those tags are only supported by some browsers. Useful link by the way, thanks!

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