
Call_in #135

Joined 7 years ago

I'll try to enter this time ! 0

Call_in • 4 years ago 

Hey there,

I've already participated in 2 Alakajams by the past but I don't have much time with me because of work.

But I'll try to do something nonetheless !
I'll be using my own game engine written in Typescript that I hope to get ready in time for the jam.

Main toolset:

  • Text: VS Code
  • Graphics: PyxelEdit and/or Affinity Designer
  • Music/Sounds: Bosca Ceoil

Come and rate our game! We want feedback! 0

Call_in • 6 years ago 

Hey there, we just did a game we are super proud of, come on, check it out and rate it!
And do not forget to submit your best score to the leaderboard! (on alakajam and on the game website)

We appreciate any kind of feedback and will release a post jam version thanks to all of you! Thanks a lot!

We did it! 0

Call_in • 6 years ago 

We'll after all we did it, and we are proud of that entry! We've completed all our ideas, and we've got time too add an online scoreboard (HERE). We're super happy! The game is fun! Thanks you all for that jam. Can't wait to try others work!

Here is a screen of the game :

We're in ! 0

Call_in • 6 years ago 

Hey !
It has been a year since the last time we've done alakajam. I've tried to participate a few times in kajams but my free time was a bit too short.
This time we are here @Mills_Himself, @Fresh-Food and myself to make that game ! Futhermore themes looks really good this time.

We'll use :

  • GMS2
  • Aseprite, Pyxel Edit
  • FL Studio

I will probably stream sometimes during the event so do not hesitate to check my twitch channel :

I wish you all a good Alakajam !

Hey there, I'm late but here :D 3

Call_in • 6 years ago 

Hey everyone, I've some time to spare lately so let's go with this kajam. I just have a question first: Can I use an entry that i'm developing for the LOWREZ JAM ? That's an oppurtunity for me to continue working on my LOWREZ JAM entry and I think that could fit the theme nicely with a bit of sup work. I've started the dev today so I don't have any overtime. I just want to be sure that I can enter. Good luck everyone and have fun !

Font problem on my game and website issues 2

Call_in • 7 years ago 

Hey guys, I'm posting this cause I want to know if you have a font problem with my game :

Normally it use that font (in minimal res so a bit more pixeled) :
If you have some other font said it to me I will try fix it for the next release. ^^
And @Wan, a friend of me has some problems to vote for games, not only mine but every games. He want to rate games of the jam cause he like some of them so it's a problem. I send you all the details on your personal twitter account, I don't know if I did good but say me if that's not ok :)

PS : I'm having a really good time trying all the games, good work all :D

We want your feedback ! 0

Call_in • 7 years ago 

Hello there, the jam is now ended, this was our first gamejam for my team and myself, that was a lot of fun.

Now we want your feedback on our game, we put all that we have learned in it, we hope that it's gona be fun for you ^^

Our entry :

Thanks you all ! :)

Hey everyone 1

Call_in • 7 years ago 

I'm going to do that jam to learn and have fun with friends, we are a team of 4 or 5 peoples (if the last can do it).
I'm a french student in art & programmation but we will do the jam with Construct 2.

I hope everyone have fun ! :)

High scores

1 x12 x03 x0
NEWTON: The starving snake
by Call_in, Fresh Food, Mills !
12850 October 16th 2018