NEWTON: The starving snake

A weird snake game about apples falling from the sky.

You are hungry!

The rule is simple: move your snake around, eat the apples, and survive! Will you try to be as big as possible or try to stay small to avoid the falling rocks?

The golden apples allow you to break the rocks for a few seconds, but don't waste them, there are rare!
Oh and, don't eat the moldy apples, and even less the poison!

And if you want to, when you beat your best highscore you can send it with your name online, you can try to be in the first 10, and most importantely: have fun!

The leaderboard : HERE


  • Arrows = Move Newton
  • F11 = Toggle fullscreen


  • Apple = Length + 1
  • Moldy apple = Length - 1
  • Poison Potion = Length delayed - 5 on time
  • Golden Apple = You can break walls!

There are some hidden tricks out there to reduce your length without reducing your score but you'll need to find them by yourself!



  • Sometimes you've got a wrong tile (grass,dirt or pink tile) that is on the map. Consider it as a rock. We will patch this on the postjam version.

EDIT: Update - Modified Newton start speed after the jam to let the player take the controls.

Voting results


This game entered in the Team competition (24 entries).

Comments (34)

 • 6 years ago • 

Is it possible to make a mac build?

  • 6 years ago • 

@laaph I'll try to see if I can but I don't have any mac to make the build, it will be very hard.

 • 6 years ago • 

Fantastic work. The game is super polished, with really clean graphics, fantastic music, and a very engaging gamefeel. I think it's a little faster than I'm used to snake games being, so I usually crashed into a rock or the edge of the screen long before I got enough of a tail to worry about hitting that. At the same time, the quick deaths and quick respawns were really satisfying in their own right. Just getting a slightly longer run once in a while felt great.

My one complaint is that only part of the map is visible at any one time. Once I'm moving really quickly, it's easy for me to run into a rock that I can't see because it's offscreen - until it's too late for me to react.

I normally try to give some more constructive criticism when responding to games, but I honestly can't fault this one with anything else. It's very clean. Great work.

Fresh Food
(@Fresh-Food)  • 6 years ago • 

Thank you for the criticism @armas000 (and compliments).

 • 6 years ago • 

Very cool graphics and gameplay. I also liked the fact that there is an online leaderboard.

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks for the reviews @amras000 and @overf10w, we'll do an update postjam ! Do not hesitate to take a look at the update(s) :D

 • 6 years ago • 

Really nice and enjoyable game. the camera's viewport should be as big as the total playable area. In the post jam version make sure you do this as well

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks for the comment @Prabh, I don't know if we should make the camera different yet, for now both camera types are enjoyables. We have a half/half situation, we'll decide that at the end of the jam.

Thanks again, do not forget to check the postjam update ! :D

 • 6 years ago • 

Better would be if you give an option for both the types of camera in the game @Call_in

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks for that suggestion @Prabh! We'll definitly think about it! :D

 • 6 years ago • 

This is even better than what I expected. The camera work, animations and effects are good and tight, but what really makes this game awesome is how it adds EXACTLY the gameplay that Snake needed to become fresh again.

It really took a few minutes for me to realize various little details around the gameplay, from watching drop shadows carefully to realize I could risk going under a rock for a chance to get shortened. Brilliant! And then it takes even more time to start figuring out tactics to balance risk & safety. I took me maybe 15 games to break into the leaderboard but I enjoyed each one of them.

Great balancing btw, the game is not for the faint of heart but it's very fun.

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Wan for the comment ! Do not hesitate to check the game after the jam we will do a postjam update !

 • 6 years ago • 

Very hard, and very fun! I didn't even realize the mechanics that Wan was describing, but had to go back and see. Very cool stuff. I absolutely love the crunchiness of everything, with the music and all the sound effects working perfectly together. My one complaint is with the camera, because at least on a big screen the jerky movement really throws me off and makes me miscalculate turns. Maybe an option to fix the camera to the fully zoomed out view or make it move smoothly. Now I'm seeing that others put that suggestion too, but att a +1 to that. Great job to the whole team!

 • 6 years ago • 

Awesome game!

it was cool seeing a new spin on snake, and the new powerups and power downs were neat!

it took me a little while, but I got 7th on the leaderboard!

if I had a suggestion, maybe turn down the speed just a tiny bit.

anyway, great game!

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Kleinzach and @Sammy6 for the reviews.
For the difficulty and the speed of the snake, we want to keep it quick and difficult, that is why you have a quick retry mechanic.
For the camera I'm working on it. The jerky movement impression isn't from the camera but from the snake. And we will definitely add a zoom out option.
Anyway I'm super happy that you enjoyed our game, don't forget to check the postman version when it is released!

 • 6 years ago • 

@Call_in I wont forget! (that's for seeing the "postman" version by the way)

 • 6 years ago • 

Loved the audio! Perfect! Fun classic game remade with a little theme included.

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Aquasheep! Happy that you like the game!

 • 6 years ago • 

Can you lose length by having a rock land part way along your snake? Or am I imagining things? ^^

Anyway onto my review. Lovely game. Really cute graphics, clean controls and a nice little idea for the theme. I like that there was music, sfx and an online scoreboard. Very polished for a jam game. Great job!

Fresh Food
(@Fresh-Food)  • 6 years ago • 

@Ztuu Thank you very much, I am glad you liked it, and yes you can very much make Newton small by a rock landing on him. We didn't want him to get die by getting crushed by a rock because thats a sad day for the snek. Well at least thats my reason, cuz I'm the artist not the programmer so yah. Thanks for the review!

 • 6 years ago • 

The download link is not working, so I can't rate it. =-(

 • 6 years ago • 

This game is very well made. The music is great and the voxelart is also pretty good. It's obviously not that original as it's a fancy version of snake. The online leaderboard was nice, but the highest I ever got was somewhere between 3,500 and 4,000. I tend to be pretty bad at these games.

I really don't have much to say. I think you did what you were trying to do very well.

  • 6 years ago • 

@duel_05, I think that the problem come from your side because you are the only to complain about that, I can't do anything :(

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @DaFluffyPotato for your review, for the details it is pixel art not voxel art. For originality I don't really know, that might depend on what you see as original but ye it's a snake remake :D . Anyway I'm happy that you enjoyed the game as much as you can, 4000 isn't so bad!

 • 6 years ago • 

I got it downloaded @Call_in, just had to not use Google Chrome.

(@OatMealPal) • 6 years ago • 

A cool spin on the good 'ol game of snake. The art is good, the camera is smooth, and the gameplay is fast-paced and super addictive. Nice work, y'all! x)

 • 6 years ago • 

Very cool short game. I love the sound effects they give a juicy feeling to the game. The mechanics are simple and very efficiency, and with the leaderboard, we just want to replay to have a better score !
Very nice work to you!

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @OatMealPal for thoose compliments!

 • 6 years ago • 

Nice game, a bit frustrating but addictive. It's such a good idea to put online score ingame. I love the audio too

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Zulhuky!

 • 6 years ago • 

How in the world did you manage to pull this off within 48 hours? This is insane! The production quality is really good - but i wish that you could change the controls though.

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Orionintheforest! Wait for the postjam update to change your controls :D

 • 6 years ago • 

Simple, fun and addictive! I wish the poison apple looked a bit more discernable.

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @euske! Well I'm not the artist but I'm sure @Fresh-Food will take this into account next time :D

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