
duel_05 #861

Joined 6 years ago


My Idea 0

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

I want to make a wizard fighting game. You basically punch wizards and sorcerers in the face while dodging other wizards spells. It will be an endless fighting game, with a wierd map where you can find tools to help you fight the wizards chasing you. No storyline yet, will think it up as I go. =)
I am using:
Unity for the engine
SFXR for sound effects
My own minimal artistic skills for modeling

Join my Team! 0

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

My team will be making a 3D game using Unity. I am the coder/designer, and I need an artist and someone to do audio!

I WILL make a good Game for this AlakaJam! 1

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

My last game, Falling Squares, was an unfinished and pretty awful game for Alakajam 4. Now, I have learned more, and I am ready to make a semi-decent/decent game!
I voted Capture for this one because it seems the easiest.

I am NOT going to make ANY money off my game...... 6

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

I know I am not going to make any money off my game. I am just doing for the LOLs.
I have a cool idea for a modding system using web services and guids. It is going to be great.

You will enter a guid, and it will go to a web service to see if a mod is out there connected to the guid you used. Then it will download it into your game and you have a mod!

I'm Making a Shooter.... 1

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

So, I am making probably the most common game genre in the world……a shooter! But I am going to make the strangest, most OP weapons and enemies that can possibly pop in my head!
I am starting out by making a boss that I have been dreaming of making for months now…. The Swarm! I am not going to tell what The Swarm is, because it's going to be a surprise!
Ya, so I am just having fun, making a game! Good Luck!

I'm Pumped for This! 2

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

I'm pumped for the Alakajam! this Febuary! This time, I am going to be prepared! I'm going to make a library for Unity to help me code faster, i'll have a stable idea for each of the top 10 themes, and I'll try to rank it as Solo. I might even team with someone! =-)
Good luck in advance!

My favorites..... 0

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

I have rated a whole bunch of games, and here are my favorites:

  1. Rollsy & The Suprisingly Short Vertical Mazes by @Orionintheforest
  2. The Temple of Ares by @Wan and @Thrainsa
  3. Falling in Love by @birdpun, @Flatterp, and @sebastianscaini
  4. The Mayor by @Prabh
  5. CubeBallFall by @Rardo

These games are the best of the best, and they all deserve the highest praise. I suggest anyone who reads this should go play and rate them. Also, play mine, Falling Squares!

Join the 1st TribaJam! 5

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

TribaJam is going to be a 3-month game jam lasting from December 1st, 3PM EST to March 3rd, 3PM EST.

At 3PM, December 1st, I will release the theme on my IndieDB account, DabbingTree. When you learn the theme, you are allowed to start your game! I will also release how you will send your game in that blog post.


  1. You must use the theme.

  2. You are not allowed to start it before the jam starts. All finished entries posted in the first 7 days will be instantly disqualified.

  3. No using copyrighted material AT ALL!

  4. No advertising in your entry. After the jam, do whatever you want with your game. But no advertising in the entry.

  5. Only one entry per person. No throwing together 40 games and entering it.

  6. You are allowed to team with any number of people.

Supported Systems:

Xbox One





Your game entry will be all yours. We will not take the winning game or any others.

I invite game developers of every kind to come and make a game!

I finished my game! 0

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

I finished my game, Falling Squares. It is not much, but I made it in 3 hours, so……..
Play and rate it!

Game Development Vids 2

duel_05 • 6 years ago 

Make sure to check my YouTube on the Streams and Videos page for development vids! I will post later tonight or tomorrow morning.
Tried making a ragdoll, and failed. Decided to just make a ball. Doing a 3D game for my first jam!

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