I am NOT going to make ANY money off my game...... 6

duel_05 • 6 years ago on November Challenge 2018 

I know I am not going to make any money off my game. I am just doing for the LOLs.
I have a cool idea for a modding system using web services and guids. It is going to be great.

You will enter a guid, and it will go to a web service to see if a mod is out there connected to the guid you used. Then it will download it into your game and you have a mod!

Comments (6)

 • 6 years ago • 

What tech are you using for your shooter?

  • 6 years ago • 

What do you mean @Wan?

 • 6 years ago • 

so… you are doing shooter or some kind of system? Im confused. Pick your project, stick with it, finish it, release it. Do not abandon projects on first hint of problems. And tbh, i saw many games which looks like crap but they had good design and in the end made some money

  • 6 years ago • 

I am not abandoning my idea @Tbohdan. I am pretty much only doing this for fun. I am still working on my project, just not in a very organized way…. at all. I am playing around with modding my game, which I have been working on alot since I wrote this post, and is doing good! =-)

 • 6 years ago • 

Nevermind, I've downloaded the game to test it and apparently you're using Unity! Nice :)

  • 6 years ago • 

Thanks @Wan.

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