Robot Factory

Memory game

Memorize the parts that it takes to build the robot and recreate it.

Big Thanks to ElZach, who programmed the entire game. Without you this game wouldn't be possible <3

Comments (11)

 • 3 years ago • 

The screen shot looks very enticing. I hope you can find the time to finish this game.

 • 3 years ago • 

Haha, fun! I really enjoyed the mood of this, the art and music really work well with the gameplay. I like that I can try again when I mess up instead of being too harshly punished. Nice entry!

 • 3 years ago • 

Indeed very cute! First I thought I could go with memorizing colors only, but this gets really tricky. Great art and overall design - maybe could be a relaxing mobile game for training memory?

 • 3 years ago • 

Glad to see you finished the game. Graphics are top-notch; you certainly have an eye for color. It took me a while to learn the controls — I am slow in that way — but once I got the hang of it, it was fun. I reached level 10. I like the way in which you ramp up the complexity. The music is top-notch as well. Good job!

 • 3 years ago • 

Great Game! I had a lot of fun playing (my parents too :)! I really liked the ramping up of difficulty - from a very few pieces at level 1 and a real mess at level 50. graphics are awesome and the background music is very fitting and relaxing. also i liked that you can check if you are correct without being thrown back or somehting. I really liked the physics and visuals of the falling things!

 • 3 years ago • 

I feel your games are getting better and better. :-*

 • 3 years ago • 

Very relaxing and charming, if a bit simple. I liked the variety in robot parts, and I also liked how you could throw stuff off the side of the screen for fun.

 • 3 years ago • 

Oooh I didn't know this was finished post-jam! Love it! It's charming, relaxed, harmless and simple fun (in a good way). I like the music, but it almost adds a bit more tension than it should - could be a bit less easy-going and bubbly. I'd also like a cursor that changes when hovering, grabbing etc.

 • 3 years ago • 

This is like a 100% finished, perfect minigame for some kids game about robots. Music might get a bit tedious after a while, but that's probably true for any kids game. :D Love the art style.
Well done!

 • 3 years ago • 

Wish I could rate that entry, nicely done!
Lovely graphics, relaxing and in any way triggering my OCD hahaha

 • 3 years ago • 

Cute game, cute robot parts, cute sound effects, great work overall! It feels very complete for a jam game, even if you didn't finish it in the weekend.

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