
A minimalist puzzle survival game, with rotating lines, circles, & spikes.

A minimalist puzzle survival game, with rotating lines, circles, & spikes.

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o-CoO is a minimalist game with lovely geometric graphics, where you'll keep your orange rings alive to build up your points. Avoid red triangles, collect the pulsating spheres for bonus points, and enjoy a calming soundtrack. The more rings you have, the faster your score will go up.

How to play:

  • Use the mouse to play.
  • Click on the orange rings, and drag to grey dots to change it's swinging point.

Survive as long as you can to earn the top score.

YongBoi - Game Designer & Illustrator
Mr. Chocolate Salmon - Programmer, Music & Game Designer

Voting results


This game entered in the Team competition (13 entries).

Comments (28)

 • 4 years ago • 

This game is too beautiful man. The intro got me lost for a while, but other than that the gameplay felt really really good. Like damn the skill needed for this game is so high since the orbits keep changing. The logo and name is super neat. Like really really neat. Love it, basically a complete game. :D

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • 

@TrustMe thanks man! Appreciate it :)

 • 4 years ago • 

Beatiful, atmospheric game. Both sounds and visuals. But there is nothing relaxing about it. I keep stressing out trying to get the pendulums away from the red "enemies?" or eachother for that matter.

Add a bit of a tutorial and you have a publication ready game.

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • 

@maartene perhaps I shouldn't have described it as "calming" aha. Thanks for your comment though!

 • 4 years ago • 

A beautiful minimalist game.
The only thing that this game miss is a little control for the volume but this is personnal and if you press escape while you are not on fullscreen the screen goes black and you must refresh the page (I didn't try with the downloadable) but it's really nothing, for a game made in less than 72h this is impressive the game is complete and really pleasant to play !

 • 4 years ago • 

This was really cool. It took me a little while to understand the controls, but with some practice I was swinging around like Nathan Drake :D

The vibe was great and I like the novelty of connecting the dots at the beginning to start the game as a little tutorial. I still felt like the start of the game could have been a bit easier (mainly related to the enemies), since I at least didn't make the immediate connection of how the tutorial related to the actual gameplay. In any case, really a really solid entry.

 • 4 years ago • 

I couldn't get the grip of the mechanics, challenging for sure, but I couldn't find a way to avoid the attacks, I guess I need more practice. Overall a great concept and well polished idea.

 • 4 years ago • 

Very solid game. Once you learn how the swinging mechanic works, you can move around playing field gracefully while dodging the enemies that appear.
Can be tough but a challenge is always welcome. Nice work!

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • edited • 

Thanks @Grossbaff, @dorkulon, @MrAmericanMike, and @CFusion for your comments! :)

(@ThetacticalBanana) • 4 years ago • 

This game is really amazing, though i'm terrible at it, but there is definitely a high skill ceiling here.

What i thought would be a great addition is if you could detach mid swing and carry your momentum forward.

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • 

Thanks @TheTacticalBanana, we did discuss detaching and having momentum at the very start of our planning, but thought it might be hard to control if you're having to handle more than one ring. May consider it if we take the game further though :)

(@tolja003) • 4 years ago • 

Nice game, smooth mechanics, all in all very clever, also pretty original. I am pretty bad at swinging, but the complete expirience was very positive, keep it up !

 • 4 years ago • 

Really pleasant entry!
The music, the gameplay and the visuals are amazing!
A great team work!

 • 4 years ago • 

Great aesthetics !
I felt stuck for a long time at the intro, trying to reproduce the prompt on the logo to no success.
The concept is clever, but I found it a bit to difficult for me, I couldn't move around as gracefuly as I would have liked to x) I think ennemy shouldn't spawn at the very beginning to let the player train a bit with the movement.
Otherwise, it's very well executed, clever, fun, well done!

  • 4 years ago • 

Thank you, @TomBuston. I'm happy that you enjoy our game. I was about to bring the topic up with my friend about the enemy spawning at the beginning, but we ran out of time. We will add that in for our future development. =)

  • 4 years ago • 

@yaro, Thank you. =]

 • 4 years ago • 

Relaxing and challending game at the same time! ;)
Good visual and sounds. And calculating circle trajectory is definitely not simple process )

 • 4 years ago • 

Sweet visuals and overall game feel. Took me a while to get a hang of it but once I did I had a lot of fun.

 • 4 years ago • 

Very satisfying design, both in visuals and audio. It's pretty hard to avoid those red enemies though, which I found a bit too frustrating. Other than that this is a great entry, I enjoyed it.

Sílvia Cavadas
(@silviacavadas) • 4 years ago • 

Truly engaging! I keep wanting to improve my highscore. Beautiful visuals also.

As with a few others, it took me a while to figure how to start the game - initially I thought I had to reproduce the movement on the big logo. It would be good making this more clear.

  • 4 years ago • edited • 

@DictorDro, @hattoum, @ratrogue, & @silviacavadas, thank you guys for playing. Hearing you guys enjoying and playing our game is happy enough for us to continue designing and develop more game. @silviacavadas, thank you for bring the main menu/ tutorial up, we got that a lot of feedback from another players too. For future development, we gonna fix it.

 • 4 years ago • 

I love the minimalist aesthetic, and the sound design works perfectly with the visuals! You nailed the gameplay too - it's so simple yet so rewarding. Great entry!

 • 4 years ago • 

Congrats for your game ! It's very chill and very hard ! Hahaaa

 • 4 years ago • 

Certainly a cool concept, just requires a skillset that I dont have lol

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • 

Thanks @AlexDavies, @matote, @AaronBacon for the comments! Appreciate you taking the time to play our game :)

 • 4 years ago • 

Somehow relaxing and intense at the same time. Chill music, lovely minimalist aesthetic with a well-defined colour scheme, intuitive controls, and a very innovative mechanic.
I'd probably make the spawns of the red orbs come a bit longer before when they actually spawned, and be a bit clearer (like show the full blast radius?) - got caught off guard by them a few times and it didn't really feel like my fault.

Mr. Chocolate Salmon
(@mr_chocolatesalmon)  • 4 years ago • 

Yeah, I think balancing the difficulty is something we weren't really able to focus on in the 3 days, but thankfully we've received lots of feedback from people in this jam which will help us tweak things if we release a post-jam version. Thanks for your comment though @alyphen! :)

 • 4 years ago • 

Really cool game idea, I loved the graphics and audio, really soothing. My main complaint is that the obstacle red arrows appear too quickly and randomly for me to effectively evade them, so it ended up feeling like I'd die randomly or get lucky: maybe they should give a slightly longer warning? so you have a chance to think about moves better. Other than that, really cool.

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1Sílvia Cavadas2129 
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