
Clocking Out Early 1

Featherbox • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Anybody Got A Map?

Because I don't believe I'll be awake before submissions are over, I've submitted what I've finished tonight, and while it could be more polished, I quite like the finished product (even if the puzzles are pretty lackluster and drag on too long).

It can be found here.

Ready ready ready 5

Prabh • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 


Start of last day report: 1

puarsliburf • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Oooh, nelly it's getting stressful!

On the positive side, my map's almost done!

I just have to polish the news studio and space place and add an end screen.

On the other hand my gameplay at the moment pretty much consists of this:

I have the base to make the actual game now, but not much else.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish this on time.

Polish mode turn on! 2

Antti Haavikko • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

It's getting there. I'm really happy at the state the game is in right now, it's fully functional at least and has a nice chunk of content already. Might even get to dedicate the rest of the available hours to polishing.

Only missing - Art, Sound and a Full level 1

automatonvx • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Do have most of the mechanics

I Included a picture just to prove that yes I am really missing art work

Oh And I woke up to find unity had 'misplaced' some of me scene information.

Usually people only seem to post pictures of stuff that looks amazing, - I thought I would try and make everyone who's project is looking in a worse state feel a bit better that at least they aren't alone.

It will hopefully be a turn based squad game - imagine xcom only missing most of the features. Sounds promising right? ;)

Finishing touches 1

RocketStorm • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Get ready for the most strange gaming experience :D

I just woke up and saw the mess. 0

n!ghtmare • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Moshpit

Here is a little sneak peak of our little game.

finishing up.... kinda 2

RUWO • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

i decided to do some of the polishing work yesterday evening, like title and end screens, so that today the "only" thing i had to do is enemy AI. simple right?:-(

Mostly Functional 0

Featherbox • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

Aside from a few issues and adding a start screen and end screen, all that's left to do is add more levels… which'll probably be harder than I'm imagining.

I added SFX, not that you can tell... 3

DaFluffyPotato • 6 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! 

I need to make more levels then I'll just have polish and music left…

I've been making some pretty good sounds with my mouth:
click me

Also, a UFO crashed.