
I finished! 0

DaFluffyPotato • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Lollipop Ninja

Please check out Lollipop Ninja!

It's availible for Windows and the source is in Python 3.x with Pygame, so you may be able to run it on Linux.

The game works with a controller too. ^-^

Map and Shovel 0

fullmontis • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Map and Shovel

Oof, that was close. I really didn't think I would be able to finish the game, was clenching my butt until the last minute. But it is out and it works. It seems to, at least.

I'm glad to say that Map and Shovel is done!

Let's go to the meat: what is it about?

It is a simple point and click/puzzle game, where you have to find the position on the screen where the treasure was buried. You get a small fragment of a map that you have to decipher with the little info you have. Will you be able to find them all?

It is very short and I find it kinda entertaining, so maybe it will give you a couple of minutes of fun.

You may ask… Why the rush, if it is so simple? The answer is that I can't keep to a schedule, and that I should not try a jam without not having completed at least a game with it before… And many other things I will probably talk about in a future post/video, who knows. But anyway.

You can play it HERE

First Game Jam finished ! 0

Koroshi • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Aesthetic : Rise Of Synth

That was quite the ride, but really fun and interesting making a game in such a short time was a first for me, unfortunatly i couldn't make any music and the 3D model are not that great but i'm happy with it for a first Game Jam ! I hope you will like the game feel free to report any bug or anything i could make differently for a future game jam. See you !

First game jam successfully completed! 0

Sílvia Cavadas • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Transcribe

Soooo exhausted, but happy with how things went! I managed to complete a little nice-looking and hopefully fun game. Unfortunately I don't think I play-tested it enough, so probably there will be many things I missed. Hoping to make a nice post-jam polished version. Tell me what you think!

I finished! 0

B1naryB0b • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Sprite

I'm happy I managed to get it out there on time!

I used:

  • Unity
  • Paint.Net
  • Tiled
  • VS
  • Otomata

I hope you enjoy it as it is my first game jam submission!


Studio Waterzooi is done! 0

StudioWaterzooi • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Guess Who?

Heyhey, we haven't posted before but we're a little studio from Ghent (Belgium).
We wanted to participate in this gamejam to improve our team-workflow and get to know eachother better.
We like to put a little more story and moral in games, combined with a focus on esthetics.
Please try out our adaptation on Guess Who?

Ps: if you like it, follow us at @StudioWaterzooi ;)

We Need Ratings! 0

sebastianscaini • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  You Can't See Everything at Once

Hey everyone!

Voting time has started and we're in need of votes!

I'll play and vote on the games of anyone who drops a comment on our game so go check it out!

"The (Almost Finished) Adventures of Grägoy" is "done"! 1

puarsliburf • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  The (Almost Finished) Adventures of Grägoy

My old-school adventure game a-la Space Quest 1 isn't exactly done but I ran out of time. You can play it and beat it but there are no sound effects and the ending's not perfect.

You play as an alien who has managed to corrupt the map data on his ship computer and can't see where the planets are. To recover the data and get home you have to collect memory cards containing shards of the map and go to the different planets as you find them.

It can be played here

Marxs done ! 0

Dartictheunic • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Marxs

We ended up being way more than we thought but it was love and fun all the way !

We tried to do things we weren't used to and had lots of problem but we're pretty happy about the result in the end

Thanks to the Alakajam organisators, you guys did an awesome jobs and well played to everyone, I'm excited to play all your games, they seem really cool !

And a special thank to Thomas Lean who did the sound design and Othilie Berger who did the highpoly 3d models even though they weren't even supposed to participate

And we're done! 0

Mistodon • 7 years ago on 2nd Alakajam! entry  Fragments

Can't say it's the best thing I've ever made, but I don't think it's bad for 8 hours work.

It was fun, and it was nice to finish something for once - even if it's something small.

Hope you enjoy!