
Core Done! 4

DaFluffyPotato • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

I've finished the core of the game. I just have some extra features, polish, and audio to add. (and possibly settings)

Small Teaser 0

dimensionscape • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Without revealing a whole lot, this is my solo Jam submission WIP. Having fun, but I hope to finish in time. Good luck everyone. I see good work so far!

GIT!!! 0

Ztuu • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! entry  Underpowered

First day was good although it felt like we spent most of it fighting with git!
Hopefully we can get finished in time tomorrow so that I can catch my flight to California!
Had good fun today though!

Here's our fully grown player sprite drawn by yours truly!
Go easy on me as I'm a programmer not an artist ^^

Superjam! 2

dollarone • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Status update from the unironically self-named "super" team.

We are making an age of empires/warcraft/FTL/starcraft/loads more inspired thing where the jungle/nature is getting back at humanity and eating their cities. Your goal is to try to fend off the impending doom for as long as possible.

It's currently set to be a mix of tower defense with base building and maintenance, and we have a ton of ideas outside the "mvp" scope that we're dying to add (I want BOSSES!!).

We're a team based in different timezones - @toasty and I are coach-coding in the UK, while the sound department - @gsamaro and @Kyle3wynn - are composing in California, and at the same time @James_Deans_Jeans is making the graphics in Toronto.

This is challenging in some ways, but it also means work is being done while we sleep here in the UK. I'm looking forward to waking up and putting all the assets in the game! Hopefully we can add a screenshot tomorrow morning - watch this space…

Update! 0

Iris • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

The main gameplay is there and working, even if it doesn't have as much content as I'd like. (I wonder if I'll have any extra time to add more.)
Right now it's not very balanced though and that bit is going to be preeeetty difficult.

  • Creatures need a random jump so they can get themselves out of pits randomly (But not too often) (Update: Done, it's perfect)
  • It needs more minor creatures that are overwhelming because of the sheer number. The big creatures should be easier to avoid (since there's no way you can scratch them during the first minute or two)
  • More powerups, if time allows.
  • Item drops
  • It needs music

Way Behind Schedule 0

Featherbox • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Although I didn't really have a schedule for this jam (not even a loose one like I normally do for 48 hour jams) I know I'm behind whatever it would have been. Although the game I have planned for this jam doesn't require any sprites, I'm unsure at this point if I'll be able to finish it. I didn't get much done the first day of the jam because I didn't sleep properly before and thus ecided to go to sleep early and set an alarm for early the second day. However the alarm didn't go off so I ended up oversleeping meaning I have only gotten a couple hours of progress on my game. I'll probably end up trying to work on it for the rest of the 22 hours instead of wasting another third of it maintaining a healthy sleep schedule.
While I haven't gotten much done, I can present what I have. The plan is a sort of space colonization thing. You start with one colony and can expand outward from there. Each colony's population will constantly rise increasing the amount of food it needs for sustainability. With population rise, there is also the rise in the chance that a colony will randomly experience a random disaster and lose contact with the rest of the colonies. That's the plan, but all I have at the moment is a single colony with an increasing population and UI to display all relevant values.

It's a start: nothing is growing, yet 0

remiv • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

A very early game:
the camera move, but nothing else for now…
I lost lot of time on technical minor problem, should do more training…

Computer scientists playing cards 1

cloakedninjas • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

From an early prototype this morning… The 0th of hearts wins every time!

Late start, false start; later start, ok start 0

HuvaaKoodia • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Lazy bones me, got to work late on an overly complicated design and had to scrap it…

Restart yielding some results. Will keep the interactivity extremely simple, more time for graphics and audio.

Computers are go 0

treslapin • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Day 2 for us is almost over, we only have a few hours left before we'll head to bed. The jam started for us around 10pm last night and we only settled on an idea at noon today. However, the game is coming along great, and we really love the idea we landed on.

I had a great time making this chunky computer! Have to make a few more key graphics and then it's time to polish all the art.