Alakajam meeting October 19th 18:00UTC 0

laaph • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

There will be a meeting to talk about upcoming events happening on Alakajam. If you would like to be involved, would like to host an event, would like to let us know how to make AKJ better, or just want to attend, you are more than invited! The main purpose of this meeting will be determine the schedule of upcoming events, and assign responsible people to host them. There will be other things to discuss, as well. The more people we have volunteering to run events, the more events we can host!

The meeting will be held on Discord. You are always welcome to join our discord server, it can be found here:

I hope everyone can join us!

Results of the 16th Alakajam! 0

Wan • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

This is it, the results for the 16th Alakajam! are finally out! Thank you everyone for playing the game of reviewing and rating each other's entries. You can find the full rankings below.

Solo winners | Team winners | Unranked games

Big congratulations to all the winners!

Dates of the next Alakajam

The 17th Alakajam! will be held 24-26 February 2023, so make sure to book the date. Hope to see you then :)

The jam is over, long live the jam! 0

Laguna • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

Congratulations everyone! The Ranked part of the 16th Alakajam is over, so "well done" to everyone who managed to develop a game during the weekend.
The Unranked Part will continue for another 24 hours. You have until September 12,10pm UTC to submit your unranked entry.

For the next two weeks, all entrants are be able to give ratings on other games. Take some time to play & rate games. Getting constructive feedback is one of the best ways to learn and improve one's game design skills, so please dish it out in buckets. While people who didn't enter the event cannot rate games, they can still post reviews and comments, which is highly appreciated.
Of course you can also enter your higschores for the games that allow to do so.

By playing & rating & commenting (even on Unranked entries), you will gain Karma that will make your game more visible to others. A high Karma gives you more chances to get ratings yourself and reach the minimum of 8 to be classified. Otherwise, you will not get a final ranking!

On September 25th, at 7pm UTC the final results will be released and the winners crowned :)

Submission deadlines 0

Laguna • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

Dear Jammers,

The submission deadlinei is approaching.

  • Ranked (Solo/Team): You have a bit less than 8 hours left. Please stop working at Sunday, September 11th 7:00pm UTC
  • Unranked: You have an additional 24 hours left. The dealine is Monday, September 12th 10:00pm UTC.

There will be an additional submission grace period of one hour for you to upload your game

Happy jamming and good polish everyone!

Islands 0

joshalex5 • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

Excited to be joining in this jam again - the last time I entered was about a year ago (if my maths is right).

I'm going for a god-game type experience, hopefully its not too ambitious :))

Making everything myself or using free assets if needed, my partner might help me with music if I ask nicely though!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes. Good luck all!

The theme of the jam is Islands 0

Wan • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! 

With the theme now revealed, the 16th Alakajam! has started. Let's make games :)

If you're entering the competitive, ranked jam, and are unsure what you're allowed to do, please check this page for the detailed rules of the jam (in particular the "What is allowed?" section).

Submission times

The end of the jam is depending on whether you pick ranked or unranked. You can create your game page at any time during the jam (and update it any time after it's created):

  • Ranked: September 11th 7:00pm UTC, which means you have 48 hours (+1 hour for late entries to create their page).
  • Unranked: September 12th 10:00pm UTC, which means you have a bit more than 72 hours.

Big thanks to @DanaePlays and @Aurel300 for hosting the launch stream! If you missed it, you can still find it on her Twitch channel.

Cool things to do during the jam

  • Write a blog post: Share your thoughts on the theme, post your progress, images of food or gifs of cute animals. You can also free to use posts for advertising live jam streams.
  • Tweet about #alakajam and follow the alakajam Twitter account
  • Initialize your game page early!

Have a nice week-end all of you, and see you on the other side!

We are in 0

Laguna • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Pirate Warmup

BloodyOrange and I will join the 16th Alakajam. This time just the two of us (compared to the 14th Alakajam where we participated in a group of 6).

I will use my JamTemplate as a starting point for coding and Reaper for music, SFXR for sounds.
BloodyOrange will use aseprite for art and if needed Tiled.

We will try to aim for a smaller game, but let's see what we end up with.

I'm In! 0

TimTips • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  mIslands

Hey guys, I'm in!
a few weeks ago, I've been learning to use Blender a little better. I did the infamous beginner Donut-Tutorial and some other stuff and had a lot of fun. So this time I aim to create a game in 3D - which I haven't done in forever.
I'll use Unity together with Jetbrains Rider. I'll create some music and sound effects with virtual instruments (mostly Native Instruments) and Reaper.
Looking forward to making a game and to see and play yours!

edit: I'm really looking forward to the kickoff stream! Thanks for hosting that guys!

Let's jam! 1

Aurel300 • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Levitatium

Using… you know it, Haxe!

Maybe I'll try to make a metroidvania?

Way behind on sleep, but still joining 5

thomastc • 2 years ago on 16th Alakajam! entry  Poseidon

We have a good shortlist of themes again, and I'm looking forward to jamming! Too bad that I haven't had a good night's sleep for about two weeks now. Let's see how it goes.

Toolset is the usual: Godot, Krita/Aseprite/Inkscape depending on art style, Audacity/jfxr, LMMS.