Jam started quite late here so I couldn't get much done yesterday, however I did have time to do some brainstorming and I have decided to make an adventure game with a Space Quest 1-esque text parser where you travel through space, recovering corrupted map data to find your way home.
I've also gotten basic movement working and written a string splitting function as GameMaker doesn't come with one.
Well, i will try to make a game. No idea yet, but looking for it.
So this is my first try at Alakajam! Did some LD before, though.
Took some sleep (did not end well, I dreamt of the theme as could be expected), and I'm starting now.
This will be a one-person game, developped in threejs and JavaScript.
Most probably some Blender modeling, and, if the time permits, I may give a try at Ableton.
Hi everyone!
With more than a quarter of the time passed it is time for the first update.
Unfortunately xXBloodyOrange dropped out of the team due to an intensive schoolwork spike this weekend.
After the great opening ceremony yesterday evening we sat down for brainstorming. Actually we all hoped for the "little robot workers" theme, but well…
So we decided to go for a couch multiplayer game where the players become invisible after a short time. You have to beat the enemies by throw mines and you have to remeber/guess where everyone is (including you).
Yesterday evening my teammates went to the cinema (I skipped because I am still a little bit sick) and I started to work on input and a joining-screen wich came out pretty nice yesterday.
Today I woke up early (and refreshed) and started to work on movement and controls. Tile based movement as well as throwing mines is working so far. (beautiful programmers art)
Now I crave for breakfast and after that I will set up player death, chain reactions and an actual level.
After 12 hours I've already got this:
Well we finished designing our main mechanic, still needs polishing but works perfectly ! Hope you're all having as much fun as us !
I spent a few hours on making sure movement felt as good as possible. I used some rather weird tricks to make wall jumping easy and easy to figure out(hold down 1 arrow key while spamming jump, you don't have to switch).
The ninja is only 10 images(technically 11, but the 11th one isn't shown in this gif).
Please tell me what you think! ^-^
I added a lollipop.
Right, I've brainstormed some ideas and decided on The Chosen One™.
I am making a two-player board-game-style tactical medieval warfare game with smoke screens. Infact, the game is called Smoke Screen!
I've played some prototype games on paper (with temporary "units") and I think it could be quite fun. Simple to learn and hopefully with enough tactical options to make it interesting.
I don't have the full 48h due to other commitments, so my main goal was to complete something. Hopefully this is small enough to get something done.
Here's a very early mock-up: