Hey, we intended our game for Xbox controller, but I was wondering if everyone here had one, if not I'll add keyboard even though it won't be as cool as the controller feeling é_è
I will just leave this here. Those guys aren't the only one playing!
welp aparantly i was stupid and forgot to even allow you to progress from the title screen in my game -3-
apologies to those who played like, the moment it was released
So, I won't finish anything this jam, but it's been a valuable learning experience nonetheless. This time I wanted to experiment with tile-based graphics and shadow casting, and I've used some tools (Aseprite, Tiled, BoscaCeoil) for the first time. Also one of the first things I've done with Love2D.
Here's a GIF of the current (final) state, player-controllable entity in a room with walls, and what the player can't see is cast in shadows:
Also, a look at the debug view that allowed me to diagnose some bugs in my shadow casting logic:
Good luck to everyone!
it's almost over! i'm going to spend 2 more hours finishing my hiding AI, pobably another hour to fix an anoying unity collider bug. after that, maybe some music? if i have time? and after that some more polishing, tweaking and packaging
AHHHHH yess i submitted my game. I saw the 12 hour announcement to post blogs but i was way too busy to do that. Everyone's games seem interesting and happy reviewing other peoples games! (BTW for the early submission, the submission hour starts and like, 3am in where i live and no way I'm staying that late for a school night -3-)
Hi there,
So, the final hours of the jam. This is where dirty hacks appear. ;) But first, let's do an update here!
A lot of bugfixes and features made it into the game. Now there are powerups, three different levels and we now even have music. I also worked on the main menu. As graphics are coming in (wall tile, player and powerups still missing), the game is more and more polished and I feel that we will be ready to submit in time. I also did a playtest to check if gamepad controls are working correctly and that the game was fun to play. And I have to say: yes, it is.
Because I don't believe I'll be awake before submissions are over, I've submitted what I've finished tonight, and while it could be more polished, I quite like the finished product (even if the puzzles are pretty lackluster and drag on too long).
Oooh, nelly it's getting stressful!
On the positive side, my map's almost done!
I just have to polish the news studio and space place and add an end screen.
On the other hand my gameplay at the moment pretty much consists of this:
I have the base to make the actual game now, but not much else.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish this on time.