Squares.....falling......don't judge me, I made this in around 3 hours!
Squares…..falling……don't judge me, I made this in around 3 hours!
This game involves alot of squares…… I mean alot…..
It's a very small and unfinished game, but it's still quite fun to see this classic "catch the falling items" game turn into a joyful cube mess!
My feedback:
Anyway not bad for a 3 hour game ;)
I really like this! I could have never made this myself in three hours in unity :P but anyway I like the little touches like after a certain point the cubes rotate, and in different directions and speeds for each one - For me they stop spawning after a while (when I hit 44) but other than that good job!
Hi @duel_05,
You need to specifically tell Unity to choose a platform to build for. In the Build Settings you can choose the platform to build for.
See https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/BuildSettings.html for details.
Does this help? If you make a Mac or WebGL build, I'll come back and play your game!
Kind regards,
Everyone can see that you are begginer (which is ok). And jams are great opportunity for learning some stuf in pressed time window. So kudos for that.
And now something about game: there is basic gameplay. Ok. You catching cubes. Fair enough. But thats it. You need to think about game design. For example: What happens when you lost? Do you get score? Do you restart level? And in wich way you visualise level objectives or restricts? For now, when you loose cube game stops droping them. This is game over scenario. But there is no restart button (at last i did not found it). So you stuck in game with nothing to do, only option is kill game and run it again.
So: you need to implement basic game flow behaviour. My suggestion: when game is over, invoke UI text with "press R to restart". So palyer can restart their game score, etc.
It seems that its one hit kill game. Meaning that you have to catch them all. Which is ok. But some text explaining that would be nice. Something like "dont loose any cube".
Next: your player can leave game scene. Which is never good.
So my opinion (it will be honest so please take it easy): you made your fist step. You made more or less game in 48 hours. Which is enough at this point. As for game: i cannot tell its good. But its game. Game which you made. On game jam in 48 hours. Congratulations! And now get to work. Make another game. And after that another. And at some point in your gamedev cyclye, look back at this one and be amazed about your progress :)
Thank you for your entry and effort :)
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