Crazy Minecart Miner

Puzzle game about mining. You need to build the optimal rail to collect the emeralds.

This is a puzzle game about mining. You need to draw you path to collect all the emerald.

To skip a level hold Q+W+S (simultaneously)

Voting results


This game entered in the Solo competition (14 entries).

Comments (13)

 • 3 years ago • 

Woohoo! Beat all the levels! Took me about 40 min. Easily this is one of the best puzzle games I've played in game jams. The interface was quite intuitive too. Good job!

 • 3 years ago • 

Challenging puzzles, and very interesting concept. I have to admit I'm not good at puzzle games like these, I got stuck at the "cross your own rails" level (I couldn't get Q+W+D to work). But overall you did a good job with the tutorials. It was fun building a rail and then pressing Start to see what happens. The animation and graphics are very good.

  • 3 years ago • 

I mistype the key code, it's Q+W+S. I corrected it. Thank you.

 • 3 years ago • 

My hell this game is cool. Thanks for making it. The 4th level got hard and it was only downhill from there for me.

 • 3 years ago • 

Wow super cool puzzle game! I actually had a really similar idea early on but abandoned it. Your version however is a masterpiece! As mentioned before the puzzles get quite difficult and I really had to wrack my brain to solve them. The graphics were also super cute and there was a decent amount of polish (side from the obvious lack of sound). Visually and gameplay wise, this was solid. Again, super well done!.

 • 3 years ago • 

This is my favourite game so far: a series of well-designed puzzles with a fairly gradual difficulty curve, and a pretty original concept. The rules are explained very well and leave no need for guesswork. I got stuck on level 10, but might come back to it after a break.

The graphics are consistent and readable, and the animations are very juicy and cute.

One small improvement would be to show the number of carts visually instead of in the UI, simply by extending the starting track outside the play area and showing the train before you even start building. The count of remaining buckets is also easy to see from the map, so that UI element could go away as well. This would help to fit the game onto smaller mobile screens, for the mobile port that you now must make ;)

 • 3 years ago • 

This is amazing amount of game. The puzzles are really good and just perfectly tough for me :D
You managed to add lots of juice too! I like the voxel art style.

(@jcatie) • 3 years ago • 

Wow this is an amazing game, especially so for a 2-day jam! You got so many good puzzles in, some of them had me totally perplexed. Most I could at least eventually figure out myself and got that great feeling of success after a tough puzzle. The graphics were easy to read and fun, looking pretty polished already. Awesome!

 • 3 years ago • 

Fantastic entry! I'm very impressed that you managed to create so many well designed puzzles in such a short time. The graphics are solid, the gameplay is great, and the UI is easy to understand.

Would be nice to get some audio in the game if you spend more time on it. Also the instruction font was a little small.

I've been working through the levels in short bursts; it's a nice touch that the progress is saved between sessions. Very good work :)

 • 3 years ago • 

Awesome puzzle game. I did't need to skip any levels. I had a lot of fun. graphics really well done!

 • 3 years ago • 

This game is awesome! I'm amazed you were able to create so many well thought out levels in such a small span of time, I didn't think I'd actually beat all the levels but it was so addictive I ended up going through them all. I guess my only nitpick is that a "reset" button would have been nice (oh and audio too). Great job!

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