
SnowFox #845

Joined 6 years ago


Disappointed in myself 3

SnowFox • 5 years ago 

I'm really sad I couldn't make the deadline :( but I just couldn't make it good enough to post on time. Hopefully I will have it done before the unranked deadline

Already thinking too big. 1

SnowFox • 5 years ago 

Curses…The first thing that pops to mind is RPG like battle system. It took me a month ast time. Can I get it done in less than a day?

Why can I never think smaller…

Looking forward to this jam! 0

SnowFox • 5 years ago 

I'm gonna be super distracted this weekend! :D but lets do it!

1996- Doomed by Google. (Pika Pika) 0

SnowFox • 5 years ago 

Ohhhh boy was I having trouble with the theme this time.

I was a 90's kid but too young to really remember what it was like, and I didn't even have games until the early 2000s. I missed out on a lot of game culture back then :(.

So I google games from 96 and told myself: I will make a version of the first game that pops up!

"Pokemon Red"

Oh…Ohhhhh noooooo!

I am super intimidated :| but dedicated to my word. This is going to be an interesting project…
(and if I were a better coder I'd use the posted GameBoy stuff ><)

Wish me luck folks!

Cursed Food Poisoning... 2

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

Sooooo sad I didnt have time to put an entry in for this Alakajam :( Unfortunately I was struck with sudden food poisoning, and have been out for over a week. I look forward to playing the entries that everyone else submitted though!

Better luck next time for me :(.

Defeated by Time: Why I won't be submitting ranked. 0

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

Life has its twists and turns. In my case, it dropped me off the side of the road to roll me off a cliff.

Things I couldn't avoid got in the way all day. I haven't worked on it since yesterday, and I don't think I'll have anything remotely interesting before the deadline. So, I'm not gonna worry about it. I plan to work on it tomorrow all day and hope I have something for the Unranked submissions.

Hope everyone is doing well with their own projects!

Best of Luck!

Idea settled! Further prototyping tomorrow! 0

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

I've found my idea! Mage vs elemental demons!

It's gonna be a 2D shooter where player are attacked by monsters of different elemental types, and the player must change magic types to defeat them! Got the mechanics working and some silly monster designs in mind! Hopefully I'll have time to submit!!
Preview video:

Brainstorming time 0

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

Awesome! Spell casting! I'm finally home and ready to begin!…And I have no clue what I'm gonna make!

Looks like tonights just gonna be brainstorming before bed :(

I'm In!...Kinda! 0

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

Oh how life loves getting in the way of my game making :(. I will be participating but I won't have the full three days to work. Still, I will submit whatever I can!

More Traps Please! 1

SnowFox • 6 years ago 

Slowly working on my little platformer. Trying to tweak the difficulty is a bit tough, but I think I have enough hazards to keep the player busy. If I have time I might work on powerups before the deadline!

High scores

1 x12 x03 x1
King's Feast
by Ztuu
69 July 13th 2019
Boostone Tomb!
by tsjost
172 October 16th 2018
Pyramid Peril
by HuvaaKoodia, SUOMAR
66 July 24th 2019
Rocket Jumper
by Wan
2310 July 28th 2019