Joined 6 years ago
So, I'll be entering into the game jam and I'm suprer excited. I remember my first solo game jam. I didn't even finish. Last month, I won Cowboy's 100$ game jam. I placed better than I thought I deserved at Ludem Dare. I'm hoping to beat myself this time. Wish me luck.
Here's the programs and resources I'll be utilizing:
Game Maker Studio 2 - game engine (we discuss why I chose GMS elsewhere, but that's what I'm using)
Aseprite - great program for pixel art
Bosca Ceoil or Chrome Music Lab - depends on the time I have left when I'm finished with the game, which one gets my attention. BC is very involed.
Audacity - voice work
BFXR - snd efx work
Coffitivity - so I can work alone but feel like there's chaos around me (artifical noisy crowd app)
Pandora - because music is life
A special shout out to Bawls energy drink. I love you Bawls, you've carried me through so much but thanks to a visit to the cardiologist, I will be retiring Bawls from the team and replacing them with 5 hour energy drink.
That is all :P Good luck to everyone.
Taking a break from studies to hit the jam this weekend.
I'm going to try Godot for the first time… in a jam. Force myself out of my comfort zone.
Grpahics - Asprite
Engine - Godot
Music - Bosca Ceoil (can't pronounce it, but it's pretty sweet)
SFX - audacity and random stuff…
crossing fingers and praying for inspiration on a good theme.
My goal for this jam is scope. That seems to be my biggest issue is my eyes are bigger than my stomach, as they say ;). We'll see how it goes.
Thought about teaming up with a buddy of mine but schedules aren't working out. Good luck to all
First jam ever. I'm excited about it. I'm looking forward to learning and see what everyone brings to the table. Attempting solo to get my feet wet. Curious what engines people will be using and what quality of polish they can get done in such a short time.