
I'm in o// \\o \o/ 3

Tipyx • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

And I hope this time I'll spend less time in make engine & tools and making more gameplay :), but I think I'm gonna learn a lot again :D
As usual, I'll work with :

  • Haxe + Heaps framework
  • ASprite + TexturePacker for atlases (maybe some photoshop)
  • Not sure yet of what to do/use for Music & SFX… I'll try to put the minimum at least this time :D.

Good luck buddies!

Maybe in? 2

NPC • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

First Alakajam, I'll see what I can do.
Hoping the deadline of 11 days (!!!) will spur me to finish the C++/SDL2 engine I started for the event, so here's hoping it's not that bad…
Good luck to everyone competing!

I am in 1

ClaytonDoesThings • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam!
Unity or p5.js

  • depends on theme.
    I don't really have an idea on a theme myself.

Yeah I'm in! 2

paperaero • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

After the success of making something innovative from the 2nd Alakajam with Darkness, this time I'll definitely be inside.
I'll be usinnn (kinda of the same the last time)

-Clickteam Fusion 2.5
-Boesca Ceoil (if i have time)
-My brain :3

Man I actually can't wait for this time's Alakajam… Good luck to all those participating as well! :D

So ready 4

Raindrinker • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

I'm super in! Alakajam means a lot to me, it was my first serious-mode jam after making a lot of things I never finished, and Moonlight is now my favourite child. I got 2nd with it so the stakes are too high >.<

This community is a gift. I'm sure amazing stuff will come from this jam, a lot of themes sound delicious.

Cheers and happy jamming you great mammals.

I'll give it a go 2

larzdk • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

First time Alakajamming! :D

Mostly because, in the previous Ludum Dare I developed a rudimentary isometric graphics engine in raw WebGL and I want to motivate myself to improve it. It's hard building both an engine and a game during 72 hours, so I figure giving myself between now and when this jam to starts to finish the engine, and then 48 hours to focus on the game itself, that should help me manage my time.

At least, that's the goal. I'll see what I can do. I like about half of the themes so far, so I'm pretty excited.

Looking forward to having some fun!

Alrighty. I'm in. 4

Oat • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

I'm ready to jam, my dudes.

I'm in again! :D 5

DaFluffyPotato • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Looking forward to AKJ #3!

I'll be entering solo for my 3rd AKJ in a row.

I've been messing around with pixelart some more (for my MMO) and I'll be aiming for #1 in graphics! :D

Here are my other AKJ entries if you're interested:

Alchemic Archer(AKJ1):

Lollipop Ninja(AKJ2):

I'll be using:
MSPaint - artwork
Px Editor - artwork
Bosca Ceoil - music
Python 3 - code
Pygame - code
Audacity - SFX

Good luck!

I’m In 2

Pyromstr • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

this will be my first solo jam! really looking forward to see what comes out of it :D

I love using gamemaker studio for my personal projects, so I will probably be using that.

Im in 2

TexasFed • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Yeah i couldnt make the last game jam
But im back