Graphician required! 4

toasty • 6 years ago on 3rd Alakajam! 

Attention model sculptors and pixel miners! @dollarone, @kyle3wynn and I are teaming up for the jam but we're still looking for someone who can make it look beautiful!

Let us know in IRC or on crowdforge if you're interested :)

EDIT: Welcome aboard, @James_Deans_Jeans! :)

Comments (4)

 • 6 years ago • 

Aaaand we have one! Welcome @James_Deans_Jeans !

 • 6 years ago • 

Congrats to all of you, it will be like a supergroup but with Alakajam veterans :) Looking forward to your game!

 • 6 years ago • 

Yeah! Thank god I'm going solo O_O What a powerteam.

 • 6 years ago • 

Thanks for the warm welcom back @dollarone. I plan on bringing my A-game and making the most of this "supergroup" opportunity. Goodluck to you @Wan and @Raindrinker.

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