Excited to be joining in this jam again - the last time I entered was about a year ago (if my maths is right).
I'm going for a god-game type experience, hopefully its not too ambitious :))
Making everything myself or using free assets if needed, my partner might help me with music if I ask nicely though!
Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes. Good luck all!
BloodyOrange and I will join the 16th Alakajam. This time just the two of us (compared to the 14th Alakajam where we participated in a group of 6).
I will use my JamTemplate as a starting point for coding and Reaper for music, SFXR for sounds.
BloodyOrange will use aseprite for art and if needed Tiled.
We will try to aim for a smaller game, but let's see what we end up with.
Hey guys, I'm in!
a few weeks ago, I've been learning to use Blender a little better. I did the infamous beginner Donut-Tutorial and some other stuff and had a lot of fun. So this time I aim to create a game in 3D - which I haven't done in forever.
I'll use Unity together with Jetbrains Rider. I'll create some music and sound effects with virtual instruments (mostly Native Instruments) and Reaper.
Looking forward to making a game and to see and play yours!
edit: I'm really looking forward to the kickoff stream! Thanks for hosting that guys!
Using… you know it, Haxe!
Maybe I'll try to make a metroidvania?
We have a good shortlist of themes again, and I'm looking forward to jamming! Too bad that I haven't had a good night's sleep for about two weeks now. Let's see how it goes.
Toolset is the usual: Godot, Krita/Aseprite/Inkscape depending on art style, Audacity/jfxr, LMMS.