Scubadrone Stardive

Legend be true?

Legend says a rare star pearl is burrowed deep down a perilous cave full of nasties.

Operate a drone and investigate this den of electric copper eels. Don't touch them!


WASD/Arrows = move
Mouse = look around
N/B = increase/decrease mouse sensitivity
Space = super speed (for super challenge)


No audio, no frills. Didn't have much time this time… Once again.
Made in about 11 hours.


Comments (10)

 • 5 years ago • 

At first I was only using the mouse (stupid me) but once I got over my supidity I could play. I liked that it was first person, which seems unusual for this kind of game. It brought the problem with it, that it's really hard to guess ones owns borders. Good job for the short amount of time given!

  • 5 years ago • 


Yep, squeezing through tight openings in first person is quite tricky. I didn't spend much time tweaking the collider so it might be doubly hard! Sticking to the edges of the cave is the safest bet as I forgot to put in any kind of a penalty for hugging the walls…

 • 5 years ago • 

Found the pearl in my second try. Just constantly clinging to the left wall helped a lot. Very eerie atmosphere, but sound is definitely missing. Nice work for 11 hours, though!

I feel this entry would increase in replay value a lot with a simple highscore. Maybe for an after jam version?

  • 5 years ago • 


Time is an annoyingly limited resource for me now-a-days. I would at least like to add in them missing sounds, that's for sure.

Highscore, eh? Lack of time, eh? Got it! Timing the run would work as a highscore as well as provide an incentive to not stick to the walls (if doing so slowed down the drone). Hmm… No promises, but that would be a simple and easy addition.

Thanks for the feedback!

 • 5 years ago • 

Nice entry, as said above, first person was refreshing in this kind of game. The atmosphere works well and the feeling of exploring a deep cave is definitly there, well done

 • 5 years ago • 

Good job for a solo entry made in a day worth of work! It bears a few similarities with our mining game so I can relate with what it took to complete this.

Despite the raw look and minimal contents this was still enjoyable to play - and complete! Although I did use the trick to cling to the walls.

I could see the game really work with some more effort put in creating an atmosphere: using colors and particles to make the game feel underwater, adding a few flashing sprites to make the eels more electric, adding a couple ambient sounds, and maybe giving a flashlight to the drone.

  • 5 years ago • 


Yup, all of the effects apart from the pearl itself were cut, which is a shame. I really wanted to mess around with the visual shader some more. Now I have a project to test things on at least.

The drone actually has a flashlight, otherwise the cave is pitch black, but there is no clear visual for it either. Will have to figure out if volumetric light beams are feasible in Godot.

Thanks for playing!

 • 5 years ago • 

First thought: wow, these Unity exports have really gotten smaller lately! Then I realised that this must be Godot and I was right :)

Good job for a mere 11 hours. Controls are simple to understand and work well. Is the tunnel procedurally generated, or just the eel placement?

It's a bit dark, but the eels stand out and that's what matters. A couple of floating particles might help to give you a sense of direction and speed, as well as just look good.

Pity about the lack of sound, because it could really have contributed to the atmosphere.

 • 5 years ago • 

The lack of audio bothered me a lot less than I thought it would with this one (usually it's my pet peeve even!), as it still manages to be quite atmospeheric (defaulting to full screen helped with that I think). It may have helped even? Silence can be quite eerie on it's own, and powerfull if it is a choice (which admittedly it wasn't this time, but there's something to be said for serendipity, right?)

While I enjoyed my short time with this game for a few tries, and at one point I felt I got in quite deep, it don't feel the pull to play again much more because it seemed there was little variation (I know… lack of time.)

 • 5 years ago • 

The game controls well and has an unsettling atmosphere, in a good way. The game is a bit too dark making it hard to see. Also, even when I was playing I forgot I was controlling a drone. I know there was no time in the jam for sound effects, but if you decide to continue working on this game some sound effects and music would enhance the experience. Also, try adding different obsticles and objectives to lengthen the game.

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