A prototype emulating an infamous game.
I took the technical challange of trying to emulate the original Pokemon game.This is the first game where I've done a pixel like art style as well as make my own music.
I hope you will enjoy the silliness of it.
@M2tias Hey! Thanks for checking it out!
Yeah, I had to get rid of that functionality for the final demo :( though I think it still works if you press the "Z" key. Problem was that it kinda messed up the system. Something in the code I have to figure out, haha.
I'm glad it had an overall pokemon vibe for you :)!
Haha nice job, the game was more polished than it first seemed! The nice theme (totally not reminding me of any existing tune), sound effects, the battle animations and the overall combat flow really nailed the first-generation atmosphere.
The huge heresy of switching the game to mouse-based controls was actually interesting to see. I also had the issue of not being able to cancel switching pokemons, otherwise it all worked nicely.
Obviously as a game this still lacks depth, but as a tech demo the overall combat system is definitely here. Discovering the creatures and their attacks was a good laugh too.
I'm curious how you implemented the various steps of a turn, did you use Unity's Animator Controller as a state machine or was it all coded by hand?
@Wan Thanks for playing! I'm happy you enjoyed the silly sprites and attack animations.
I agree with the remark about the switch to Mouse-Based controls. At present, the concept of running a game on only two buttons and directional keys feels like rocket science to me :| (Mapping all functions to a main button proved difficult in an earlier jam).
As for the steps of a turn, I used the Animator Controller only to play sound and to signal when it had ended. The rest was coded by hand using a system of IEnumerators.
And it is a complete mess xD; I really want to remake this with cleaner code. Practice using state machines sounds like a way to go.
Thanks again for taking a look!
Ahhh. Contented sigh of nostalgia
I'm glad somebody made a Pokemon game. I have to say it's really polished though, and I love the puns :D
I'd love to be able to wander round the village and check out my poke deck too, but this is solid for a jam game. It has a great authentic GB feel, and the SFX, music & art are perfect. Nice work! :)
This was fun. Most of the graphics were nice, good starting point if you want to keep working on this. UI was mostly spot on, but I couldn't go back if I decided not to switch pokemons. Music was very pokemon, good job :D
I'd like to see more focus on pixels being the same size if the game is a pixel art and especially a retro inspired game. Of course the player's capumon is supposed to be scaled, but the UI had problems with that. I get that it's a proto, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Good job :)