Time Trial Time!
(Unranked because the music was created using loops in GarageBand)
Just roll (and jump!) the ball around the stage, triggering waypoints where you find them. All waypoints triggered? That's your time!
But don't fall down: you'll need to try again AND time keeps ticking!
Note: the game file is pretty large (~15MB), so it might take a while to load.
Platform | Chrome | Safari | Edge | Firefox |
macOS | Full | No support | n/a | Keyboard only |
Windows | Full | n/a | No support | Keyboard only |
Linux | n/a | n/a | n/a | Keyboard only |
Note: I could only test using an XBOX 360 Controller.
Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Daniel Johnson (il.basso.buffo@gmail.com).
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This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
@MrAmericanMike : I added a feature yesterday so you can disable music from the main menu if you wish. Perhaps you would like to improve your score? ;)
@Mills_Himself I've added a WebGL port without Post-Processing and Anti-Aliasing. That should have better performance. Perhaps you can try again?
@CFusion, I've added a Windows port. But it's a direct compile from my Mac. It is not tested on a Windows machine, so YMMV.
@durkulon and @mr_chocolatesalmon glad you had fun!
I played the WebGL version without any performance issue. The game is simple but it's fun trying to speedrun each level.
The camera can be tricky on some level and I feel like it lacked some movement ability such as some kind of dash or double to open up new possibilities in the level design and add more skill overall.
Good job :)
It's a nice entry, the music fits the theme rather well too!
No issues for the web build for me neither, the only issue I encountered was that the "X" button wasn't doing anything.
Apart from that, I liked it, and tried to beat every record! (I am profoundly proud to say that I succeeded to get the 1st place in the 3rd level)
@CFusion I see how it is. Try beating my 29 seconds now ;)
@mr_chocolatesalmon Haha, too good for me xD. I'll try again later though thats a significant lead you have
Very addictive, funky music and some really neat graphical effects. Easy to pick up and lots of room for mastery.
Would like to see moving platforms move your ball with them (it threw me off the first time I encountered them) and perhaps slightly less glitchy jumping mechanics (you seem to be able to spam jump if you're next to a wall, if you want wall jumping perhaps propel the player away from the wall so it's a little more difficult?)
You can't go wrong with physics games.
There were just a few bugs that other people already mentioned.
26 now /:
@CoherentNonsense respect. I can only get to 27. Good job
# | User | Time | |
1 | ![]() | 0'26"062 | |
2 | ![]() | 0'27"002 | |
3 | ![]() | 0'31"999 | |
4 | ![]() | 0'36"200 | |
5 | ![]() | 0'47"880 | |
6 | ![]() | 1'04"940 | View all 6 scores |
Takes a while getting used to the camera. Sadly had to play it with no audio because there is no option to stop the music and have only the effects.
Did just 1 run for this reason. Submited my time.