It looks like I'll have put in about 8 hours by the time I finish. It's turning out better than I expected though.
I'm usually not, wait, make that never in a position where I can't think of a good game idea based of a theme. For some reason, "Duel" is just so open-ended that I can't think of anything good enough for myself. I can always just make a mediocre street fighter game, but my mind is stuck in this perfectionist state where I have to make a "perfect" (or really close to perfect) game.
That being said, the only thing I have done, is brainstorm countless ideas for 10 hours, and set up a base for the game in simple Python Code. I have one game idea that I know I will be able to pull off by the end of this weekend, but its sort of a small-scope entry.
My idea in a nutshell was to make a game where two players (or one player and a CPU) duel against eachother by trying to destroy eachothers castles by using different troops, defenses, and traps.
I also have a cold, so I can't do my usuall plan of waking up at 3AM and working for hours straight. Tonight I'm going to try to get some good rest, so I can have a misery-free and productive day tomorrow.
I didn't have long to work, so I decided to make something simple.
I plan on polishing it as much as I can within the time frame though.
Progress so far… (concept made in Adobe XD). Simple, yes, but let's try it in Unity, yolo! xD
(my twitter:
Curses…The first thing that pops to mind is RPG like battle system. It took me a month ast time. Can I get it done in less than a day?
Why can I never think smaller…
it's a duel you'll get. I spent all of last night reading up on GDScript, so I know how to write an AI.
for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].shuffle(): yield(i)
Cower in fear at my amazing power!
Looks like I'll be doing it again. 2nd Time doing this.
What I'll be using:
Good luck to you all!
Instead of joining in the jam this weekend I'll be using the time to collaborate with @ReturnToBaconLake on building up a previous Alakajam entry into a full game.
Can't wait to play all the entries though!
I'm gonna be super distracted this weekend! :D but lets do it!