I can't think about anything else than the Jam, the joy of Jamming and working so much you makes mistake that you have to fix while your brain is clearly sleep deprived.
I'm really looking for working with my boy Lokior and two other guys I haven't met yet.
I can't wait to get back that excitation. Designing a game and integrating everything into the engine, building the thing before your eyes.
I've made some really great games while doing Game Jams and I hope we'll provide an awesome game for you to play with or at least a game so bad you'll have fun tear it down. One or the other, no middle ground :D
See you all on the battlefield, I hope y'all have fun!
The grotesque voxel people are looking nervous pacing back and forth, they must be getting anxious for the start of the jam.
(Was just trying on options for getting animated characters out of magica voxel, I think the smooth rotations look better)
A cool theme shortlist.
A game jam in Europe time.
How can one resist?!Using Aseprite,
Java and Bosca Ceoil.
Give ideas form!Feature-list: Growing.
So hard to prioritize.
Time is running out!The game is finished!
Feature-list lies in tatters.
Now, time for rating!
.. maybe. I have like five other things going on this weekend, but I'll try and compose a small entry regardless.
Unfortunatley I can't join in this weekend but wishing everyone the best of luck and a great 1st Alakajam.
Hey, so it's been a while since I last tried to complete a jam, with LD36 being my last entry. I'm doing this one alone and I'll be using Love2D, Pyxel Edit and BFXR (If I get as far as sounds).
I've not competed in a jam alone before and I'll be entering the unranked category, I still don't expect to finish but I'm going to give it what I can and hope I can submit something before the end.
Good luck to everyone and I look forward to the judging.
There are some cryptic hints about the theme on twitter. I've been trying to decipher them. Here's my ideas
Hint: for this week-end, North Korea diplomacy sims are getting less likely
I think this means "You Are The Bad Guy" is low in the theme list.
Hint: Low stock value for platformers having Tim Cook host keynotes & collect coins
Apple…coins…hmm closest match is "industry" perhaps?
Final hint: Stealth games with torchlights don't sell well these days. I repeat, torchlights are not hype
This has got to refer to "Light the way", right?
What do you think? Have I been played by the puzzlemaster?
Got some free time this weekend but not completely available … Let's see if inspiration strikes! Good luck to everyone taking part - have fun!
I will be competing on my own. Here in my part of Australia it will be 5am Saturday when it kicks off which is a nice change from LD. I use Unity, Blender, Photoshop, Substance Designer and Painter, bfxr and flstudio mobile.
How are you all preparing? Are all your tools already prepared?
Mines sure are not. I learned that I might have a major disturbance this week-end and my internet is coming in today so I will be setting up tonight.